I'll Make You Famous…




Amber Rose Shaking Ass of the Day

Amber Rose Booty

I completely forget Amber Rose. It’s been years since I last did a post on her, but apparently, the innovative rapper fucking stripper, who was stripping before it was as cool, and fucking A-List rappers while it was probably cooler….I mean Kanye before Kim, his fake Bi-Polar trolling, his consistent attempts at being a modern day Andy Kauffman, but typically far less interesting…..was a big deals before no one gave a fuck and got bored of the constant nonsense…there was a time when people just bought into the music they were being sold, before the whole influencer trend of half retard soundcloud rappers being all the fucking rage despite all the mumbling from…

I guess this isn’t to say Kanye isn’t a big deal, he’s more of a meme than anything, money grubbing off all the idiots…not that I know or care about Kanye, I just remmeber when he was fucking this stripper…turned whatever she is…

It is to say Amber Rose is the stripper who said Kanye was a “finger in the booty loving ass bitch” or something like that, which I think she meant to say he was more into John Legend dick…the one that gives Chrissy Teigen fake miscarriages that are likely just abortions…but could be miscarriages…why thwart a revenue stream….she is the stripper who got super fucking famous and paid out by rappers…and now she’s the stripper doing Only Fans, that I don’t know why you’d sign up to a mom doing only fans, but I am sure people are….I’m more into the free previews as I’ll never pay for anything like a fan club subscription..


Posted in:Amber Rose