Sofia Bush is not showing her bush, despite it being her namesake, how could a bitch named bush not be the feminist ambassador for not shaving your cooter, but instead we are stuck with this new wave fake feminist movement of social media celebrating bush on some bitch who might as well have a huge cock, you know a fat, shaved head bitch who looks like someone your nerd ass whould invite over for a Dungeons and Dragons cuck because based on the girls I see posting fuck videos on Reddit, since Reddit is a porn site, there’s a lot of really perverted Sci/Fi Fantasy weirdos…as you’d expect…but they remain as terrifying as they’ve always been.
Speaking of nerds, Sofia Bush was on One Tree Hill, another nerd show, that nerds flocked to, at least nerds I knew at the time. I’ve never seen it, I just know she was the hot pussy in it, and this is her glammed up for a casual pool pic to keep that social media relevance alive, in hopes she’ll get work again or something….fame…such a stupid thing.
Posted in:Sofia Richie