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Just Cooling Off Over Here of the Day

I don’t actually think everyone is as uptight and outraged as the media wants us to think, I truly believe most people are vapid assholes more concerned with monetization of their content on social media, and any “woke” or activist shit they are putting out there is really just shit they see other people doing to seem like they care, but really they just want to be at the pool with their empty minds, maybe to gossip about other girls, or call them whores amongst themselves, only to cancel people like me for calling them whores on a website, because that’s bullying…

But I do think the general population needs to follow this lady’s lead and cool yourself off, the right way, through not giving a fuck and fucking the closest inanimate object that can make you cum…it’s a stress release you know…which is amazing that all these kids in this porn generation with all their sexting, masturbating, and documenting it online for clout are mad all the time…it’s like you just fucked 12 times in the last 24 hours…what’s the problem here you lazy jobless asshole…

Posted in:Videos