I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner Tits of the Day

Kendall Jenner Tits

Kendall Jenner is the hottest of the Kardashian clan, which isn’t saying much since the entire family is fucking disgusting to look at, but also disgusting at their core, but I guess they are a reflection of this American Dream ya’ll have been brainwashed to want, to keep manufacturing up…if they get you at the emotional level and you base your entire self worth on money or things because they’ve got you at the emotional level…they’ll have you chasing this bullshit dream until the day you fucking die, or kill yourself, when the debt collectors take your house from you because you spent more than you made…

It’s a pretty dumb system, when really all you need is food, water, shelter and something to fuck…

Anyway, that important, coveted, American Dream has peaked as pandemics move in and the poor get poorer, shipped off to FEMA camps and the Middle Class struggle to get rich quick before they get slotted on the wrong side of the economic divide…..and with peaking, there’s one family that represents all that is wrong with that American consumer dream, and it’s these fucking demons..

But her tits look bloated, maybe her period, maybe some fat injections, who knows…she probably got it from her daddy, or at least his cosmetic surgery team…because along with being garbage people pushing garbage things on millions of garbage people…these people are fucked….but I guess so is the world. YAY…kill ourselves…or watch it all burn…I choose watch it all burn!


Posted in:Kendall Jenner