I'll Make You Famous…




Shower Sundays of the Day

In the event you haven’t read my last 3 posts, I had big dreams about posting on the weekends at the beginning of the year, but like everything I set out to do, I don’t bother doing it because ultimately no one is coming here to see 100 pics of girls in the shower on a Sunday…no one fucking cares…

But since I have all these pics archived, it’d be a crime to not put them up, since they aren’t our weekend FAT CHICK POST to remind you that fat chicks aren’t hot even more un-hot when naked…

It’s girls in the shower and if you’ve ever lived with a girl, or had a roommate with a girlfriend, or if you’ve been near a shower that has women in it, you’ll know that drilling a hole in the wall or the door to watch girls shower is a lot of fun…

So that’s probably why these girls are posting up pics of their shower, they know we like watching them clean their assholes before licking it, even though that’s never been my pre-requisite, I like a bitch’s smell, maybe some post workout sweat…or some let me taste last night’s dinner bitch….I’m down for your traces of feces…I’ve done my research on gut flora and fecal transplants maybe your bacteria will make my digestion more efficient…

Posted in:Shower