I'll Make You Famous…




RIP Motherfucker the Dustin Diamond Edition of the Day

I used to do an RIP MOTHERFUCKER post on this site where I’d celebrate the life of a recently dead celebrity by making fun of them…because the “What too soons” were the highlight of my comedic existence as it’s never TOO soon…

I didn’t stop the RIP motherfuckers because I got soft…I just stopped caring about when people die…because people die….

In 2009, I did an interview with SCREECH, this was at the time when I almost decided to do interviews, but thanks to the trainwreck that was Dustin Diamond interview, he was pretty rude to me, I was like fuck it….I’ll go back to blogging blogs no one reads…

So I did my sophisticated editing…..and never did an interview since…and who knows…maybe interviews were my calling…all ruined by Dustin Diamond…probably a good thing for society….so he did accomplish something in his life…

CHECK IT OUT HERE….I hate promoting anuything I’ve done,….but if I don’t post it now, when would I post it, now that he’s dead…

So the cncer he was diagnosed with a week ago, has taken him out….and it’s always sad when people die prematurely….and 44 is too young to go, Dustin could have turned things around, won that Oscar, saved the world, but he is no more…

On a level, that’s a tragedy and Cancer definitely sucks, maybe some of that COVID money should go into CURING cancer, since it’s more of a pandemic than the pandemic….

RIP Motherfucker…the Dustin Diamond Edition, gone too soon but talking shit with the angels on greener pastures or some shit….but you know, at least he was something beyond the weird guy who works the grocery store, all quirky and awkward and shit, thanks to Saved by the Bell exploiting him as the nerd weirdo…I am sure his life was enriched by that show and hot pussy would fuck him for the novelty of it all…so a life well lived…or some shit…who fucking cares.

Posted in:Dustin Diamond