Riverdale is a piece of shit show…if you’ve seen it you know…I suggest you don’t see it…..but if you do see it…along with no understanding anything going on…forcing you to question the target market of the CW Network’s audience, because they clearly are too busy taking selfies or looking for hook-ups or scolling social media to pay the fuck attention to the storylines since there is no storyline….then the whole casting of everyone is just the worst…all these 40 year olds playing 16 year olds…who are now 25 year olds on the show thanks to some time jump that makes no sense like the rest of the show…don’t ask me how I know this…because I won’t hear you…I just know it…
I also know that the hottest thing on the show is hot bodied, fiery redhead Cheryl Blossom, who has this fit body, round ass, that she’s brought to America from her Native South Africe…where I’ll assume she learned how to do the booty dancing..but that I’ll get racist for suggesting…because twerking despite being cultural appropriation doesn’t get girls cancelled…
She’s got that ass control, set to the beat, in what looks like her Garage….and the rumor is she’s got a Black Boyfriend, so this could be the reason for that…even though I thought South Africans were the most racist….Apartheid / Mandela shit…you know…

Posted in:Madelaine Petsch