I don’t know what Selena Gomez is doing but I’ll just assume it is part of some mind control bullshit to manipulate her audience or distract them or some shit…not because I am a conspiracy theorist, but because these child stars like Demi Lovato, Selena, etc are all fucking weirdos who disappear and make appearances with their super celebrity status and for whatever reason never get officially cancelled because too many people have their hands in their pockets and profit off them….it’s basically the Britney Spears story…sold by your parents who mooched off your earnings and now who you working for?!
I don’t know what the new look is, but it’s probably by design, as everything she does is by design, which is why she fucking sucks…anything contrived and not even to feel like it is real, natural or authentic…just comes across as weird…but she does have fake tits and I may not like fake tits…but I still consider them tits…barely tits…but still tits…and that’s what matters.
I have a hard time believing anyone things Selena Gomez is interesting, cool, amazing….or anything beyond some bloated Chipmunk who had a kidney removed due to a terminal illness she hasn’t died from….but she’s the kind of celeb who doesn’t need to be interesting, cool or amazing, and the people will still buy what she’s selling…because she’s been brainwashing them since they were kids watching her round face on Barnard the Purple Dinosaur…
It’s all pretty creepy..but not as creepy as the fake goth trans she’s with…I wonder if he gave her one of hr other organs, I hear that’s how she chooses friends….to enter the world of Selena…a world that smells like Lupus Feces and tears….cuz she broken…
Posted in:Selena Gomez