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Archive for the Selena Gomez Category




Pregnant Selena Gomez in the Bathing Suit of the Day

I don’t know if you can get pregnant when you’ve got half a kidney, lupus and whatever other issues the stunted child star has…

But girl sure looks like she’s managed to make it happen, making me wonder if she’s a miracle LUPUS case, or just that rich people can buy their way out of anything, or more likely…the food lover with a food show and a zoo-like creature as a boyfriend….who apparently also loves food…is just fat.

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Selena Gomez Big Titty of the Day

I accidentally watched a Selena Gomez cooking show this weekend, she was cooking steak for Wolfgang Puck or some shit and I thought to myself, this girl loves food….

Then today, I see this video of her on a boat with her tits out, and I’m like, girl likes food because she’s got to feed these big fucking tits…

Sure, she’s probably fat as fuck, but when the fat as fuck is cropped out, and even when it’s not, rockin’ tits are rocking tits…

Plus she’s Selena Gomez, making the whole big titty, hormones in the food that made the tits that require more food to feed the tits, so much so that she started a food show…all the better.

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Selena Gomez and her Big Tits Looking Rough of the Day

I don’t really believe that having big tits when you’re fat is all that much of an accomplishment, because I’ve got big tits because I’m fat and it doesn’t feel like all that much of an accomplishment.

I do think that Selena Gomez being alive despite having LUPUS is a bit of an accomplishment, all it took was to farm some organs from some groupies and get that second lease on life….

I don’t know if Selena Gomez and her veiny tits are pregnant from that gerbil looking monster that you know is cumming in her drunk twat as much as he can in order to breed properly.

I do know that I can see the edge of her fat girl nipple as she tests the limits of this top…and that’s always fun if you’re into that kind of thing.

I don’t know if she’s on serious medication, but she does look like she’s medicated, dying, or wasted, fresh out of the gutter after a rough bender….but I like it enough to stare at big sloppy celebrity tit whether on fat girls even when their faces look fucking rugged…she’s got a terminal disease…and she’s famous as fuck…so we can adjust our standards accordingly…

The crackier they are….the more exciting the big tits are.

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Selena Gomez and her Lupus Tits of the Day

I don’t know why Selena Gomez’s tits are so big, maybe another boob job, maybe the natural course of overeating, you know celebrate the fatty for the fat tits, when overeating was all it took.

I like to think it’s a side effect of her LUPUS, if you’re going to have an auto-immune disease, make it one that makes your tits grow out.

I don’t think LUPUS is contagious, but I would be willing to try to suck the LUPUS out of her tits, you know like old school medicine with leeches, where I am the leech….witch doctor shit….

I don’t like fat chicks, even if they have big tits, but when they are Selena Gomez and her basketball cartoon looking child star head, I don’t mind them.

I assume she is trying to mock Olivia Munn who just lost her tits, but really, Olivia Munn is so insignificant, Gomez probably has no idea who she is and is just using her tits like fat girls use their tits, as the only viable thing they have for us to jack off on…or to…depending on how close you are to them.

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Selena Gomez Huge Tits in a Red Dress of the Day

No, Selena Gomez is not wearing a helmet, that’s just the shape of her giant round head. I don’t know if it is caused by the LUPUS that hasn’t killed her or stopped her from being an alcoholic, despite only having on functioning kidney.

I guess when you harvest organs from groupies or opportunists thanks to her level of fame and fortune, you can basically blow out all your organs and swap them out at your discretion.

As it turns out, the fat fucking tank of a woman has grown out her tits, possibly at one of her surgeries where she doubled down with New Kidney, New Tits, New me….but it could just be overeating as her gunt would suggest.

The nice thing about the chipmunk who clearly has been storing up all the nuts for the cold winter ahead, has found love through some other fuzzy fucking pervert who looks like he’s a hybrid animal/human as well….either rat or ape…or a mix of both.

Maybe they are from the same cloning lab that clearly didn’t anticipate this kind of titty development, it’s like straight out of the ATTENTION Walmart shopper who has been raised on junk food, hormones in her food, chemicals in her water, on disability with the giant tits due to the obesity…..and you love it.


Posted in:Selena Gomez




Selena Gomez Titties in Paris of the Day

Selena Gomez brought her titties to Paris and produced what I assume is a TikTok that she has posted to her instagram in Paris.

The video featured her tits, because when you are a fat round face with big tits, you’d be an idiot to not use the tits, especially since we all assume that she bought those tits, or maybe she had her two dud kidney’s used as her implant, in some rich person technological and scientific advancement in organ replacement….PUT THEM IN THE TIT….

She’s a weird one, because her handlers have her medicated and thinking she’s crazy. She disappears for months or years at a time, despite being the most followed on the social media channels, or was at one point….but then she comes back with multiple posts…

It could have something to do with her dating / fucking some troll looking creature who apparently makes music, but who looks like he lives in the enchanted forest where he eats babies….

You know happy in love….so time to post on social media rather than retreat…TITS first, since it’s her only redeeming quality, besides being Selena Gomez…

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Selena Gomez is Feeding her Tits in Paris of the Day

Why post about one child star with kidney failure so bad they’ve cut the line to get a transplant from people who they harvest organs from…..when you can do two….and BOTH of them are French themed….if you don’t know what I am talking about SCROLL DOWN motherfucker…..there’s a Sarah Hyland post where she’s culturally appropriating French fucks and it’s offensive…now big titty big girl Selena Gomez is in France eating pastries as hard as she can cuz she’s a big girls and that’s what big girls do….they eat.

I guess there’s no real fear that it will blow out her already blown out kidneys, even though obesity kills, nothing seems to kill Gomez….not even her LUPUS…so carb load hard for the feeder fetish pervs.

I don’t know where the tits came from, maybe one of the kidney transplants came from a big titty girl and her DNA leveled Gomez up, but maybe she got implants because she was insecure with her wide face and wanted something to make it look smaller, or MAYBE she ate her way into tits…either way, people like tits…even fat ones of fat chicks…it’s a mental illness….

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Selena Gomez Weird Bikini Pic of the Day

I hear that the unstable alcoholic that is Selena Gomez is looking at a cake or pizza that she’s about to dive into like it’s her swimming pool, she’s already got her bathing suit on and everything, because when you have Kidney Failure due to LUPUS, the only solution is to emotionally eat your way into obesity….which they want you to believe is the number 1 key to health and happiness, even though fat people are all sick and sad…because sick and sad people make good consumers.

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Selena Gomez Cleavage of the Day

Selena Gomez has her big fat girl titties out, because that’s the reason she bought them, you know back when she was getting her kidneys replaced because of the trauma based mind control the industry put her through, and/or her LUPUS that she hasn’t died of….in a “if I am already under the knife I might as well get some tits out of the deal”.

The organ harvester and star of Disney’s Only Murder in the building, who at one time was a sex offender because she was over 18 when her Justin Bieber was under the age of 18 like she was some kind of predator, probably only practicing what she knows, because you don’t become Selena Gomez in an industry of perverts, without being an actual victim of those perverts, leading to a life of being fucked in the head thanks to being sold to a shitty industry as a child, because you parents hate you or value money over you, or are narcissists who can’t believe a child they shat out is resonating with the perverts, so that they sell them off to the perverts, robbing them of a normal life…assuming that’s what happened GOMEZ and that’s what made her some mental health bi-polar advocate based on bullshit to keep her medicated and earning….

Who cares about victim shit, small price to pay to be rich and famous, like stupid rich and stupid famous, top level rich and top level famous…



Posted in:Selena Gomez




Selena Gomez Titty Top of the Day

This photo was taken seconds before Selena Gomez exploded…..

You see the child star, super star, whatever you want to call the bloated, dying of lupus, not rocking her own kidney, but willing to risk suffocating out that kidney with her really tight fucking corset outfit….just putting that after market kidney to test.

She’s got big tits, probably from being fat and who even knows if those are tits in her corset or just her belly being squeezed into titty moulds…


Posted in:Selena Gomez