There was a time that I made fun of Rainsford because I ONLY TEASE THEM BECAUSE I LIKE THEM….it’s been a constant theme in my life since a young age…you know torment the ones I love…not that I love Rainsford…but she does fall into one of my fetishes….which is Celebrity Kids, I mean that sounds fucking perverted in the WRONG way, I mean KIDS of CELEBRITIES who are WELL INTO THEIR 20s….I just think it’s an interesting existence, more interesting than being the famous one, because you’re the product of a narcissist asshole actor who thinks they are so fucking important and deserving of the pay they get, despite being assholes….raised in luxury amongst free and top tier things….only to have no real sense of being grounded, but amongst your peers you’re the most grounded one cuz mom didn’t raise you in LA or Malibu…she took you to North Carolina where you were the famous chick’s daughter….only to now be trying to get famous, or maybe trying to play off being famous for being a famous chick’s daughter…it’s all pretty interesting stuff….so I endorse whatever she’s doing, because she’s hotter than her sister…so if you’re looking for the best afterbirth from Macdowell’s womb or howver ANDIE spells her name, this is the good one….enjoy the nip.

Posted in:Rainey Qualley