Full Back Panties are not THONGS….but that doesn’t mean they aren’t equal to THONGS…in hotness at least provided the girl in the panties looks good…
I never subscribed to thongs being hotter than panties, in part because the thong tail is usually crusted up and biohazard material…you know cuz it barely covers a fucking asshole….and is just there as a drip pan for the cunt…
But yeah, dudes are followers and think “ewww granny panties”…because they have no minds of their own…but In the event you haven’t been on the internet, where they are screaming equality all day, when no one ever argued equality…but they like to think that we did…because that’s the agenda…pieces of shit, remain pieces of shit…oftentimes stuck on the thong…while hot asses remain hot asses which makes those pieces of shit irrelevant, you know turn a blind eye on those…
SO what matters is reclaiming GRANNY PANTIES….being empowered…and here that is.
Posted in:Fullback Panty