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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Since I’ve been really bad at connecting with the modern youth of our internet times, despite being an old fuck with a website on the internet, who should have been well prepared to win them over as their fearless leader….

I assume that 99 percent of the 3 or 4 of you who have landed on this site are in your mid to late 50s….

So the whole GRANNY PANTIES thing will bring back memories of sniffing your sister’s panties from the laundry hamper, because it was the only style panty being worn by the average woman back then….

It may remind you of your first girlfriend or first make-out session, assuming you’ve ever had one of those….which I would never do because I think visiting this site requires a severe level of social awkwardness….

You’ll definitely remember a time when the thong took over the granny panty like it was some Russian conflict….just encroaching on the granny panty territory…humiliating the granny panty and turning the world into a bunch of communists who would only be cummunists to a thong….

Basically creating a whole new category of uncomfortable underwear….but the people have revolted, they have turned on the AUTHORITARIAN regime of BIG PANTY and found that comfort prevails…bringing back a panty look, with pantylines we all remember…

Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties may not be thongs, but there is more fabric to soil and to the panty fetishist that’s not that bad of a thing, the more panty surface area and coverage, the better….

Full Back Panties got a bad reputation when big underwear needed to shame a certain style for its comfort and thus lack of sex appeal, pegging it the granny panty, the period panty, the sweat suit of panty….because there was a time you weren’t allowed to wear sweat suits in public, you’d look like a retard drooling in his retard helmet….and velcro shoes….

But that era is over, we’ve taken ownership on the full back panties and here’s a bunch of girls feeling empowered and supporting the cause.

Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I may have fucked off on Friday – but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever give up on Full Back panties.

It may be Tuesday – but everyday is Full Back panties if you’re old enough, perverted enough and just happy that their are panties involved.

I am from an era of the soiled white cotton full back bikini brief….not always soiled…but when you rob them from the laundromat they’d be pretty soiled…and for some people that’s the only panty fetish to completion we’d get…other than buying new which defeats the whole sniffing dirty panty fetish.

What I am saying is the full-back panty brings back great memories and hope for a better tomorrow.

Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties are America’s panty. Like good old fashioned apple pie, or Thanksgiving Dinner your granny used to make.

Comfort and the nostalgia that comes from a good old fashioned pair of full back panties, like the kind your granny used to wear.

So let’s bring back the old in the name of progress, because some things don’t need to be phased out, but instead celebrated when realizing how dumb we all were for buying into panty-lines being bad and thongs being good, when comfort options can still look alright since they are still panties.

Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It may be Monday, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t relive or celebrate the past, by revisiting a Full Back Panty post.

In the event you visit this site, you’ll be happy to know that I’ve decided to bring back those insane average people getting named galleries that take hours to put together for thankless fucks like you who don’t subscribe to my substack. I don’t have a substack, but all these fucks are out here getting rich as I eat dirt and I can only blame you.

So in revisiting the galleries, here are some full back panties, which are making a comeback after they went through a genocidal event in the late 90s, where people collectively torched their full back panties because they were seen as out of date, for old ladies and not something a hot chick in her prime should wear.

The full back panty, killed by the female hive mind forgetting that men everywhere used to LOVE staring at Panty Lines through pants because we got to SEE panty lines…and if we didn’t see panty lines we wouldn’t know if she was wearing panties and the mysteriousness of it all was THRILLING….only to be taken away from us and sent to thongs.

Anyway, everything makes a comeback, even DrunkenStepfather.com so here’s some pantyline generating panties for your excitement on EASTER MONDAY!

Posted in:Fullback Panty|OnOff




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

In a world of thongs, I think it is important to give the underdog panty that’s getting shit and bled on and mocked by all who come across them some love, because it’s not about the panty, but rather the ass in said panties that matters…



Posted in:Fullback Panty|NSFW




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I am an old pervert, so I am pretty into hot girls in any panty style, you know I am not an incel sitting here with unrealistic demands, just give me anything, throw me a fucking bone, I don’t care how fucking unsexy the panty is, I’ve been able to sexualize inanimate objects, so a fat ass in full bikini underwear, when I am from the era where these were the only underwear, is easy….

In this era where there are women in diaper fetishes, I think women in comfortable, period friendly, relationship underwear, is hardly as gross as what’s out there….even when the full back underwear is soiled and stained and more delicious, it’s hardly as weird as women in diapers…

So it’s ok to find comfort in familiar underwear your mom and granny wore, it’s only weird if you visualize them in the underwear when looking at these girls in the underwear…


Posted in:Fullback Panty|NSFW




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about what style a panty is, I don’t even care who the panty is long, so long as it’s crusty and in my mouth, we’re fucking winning son.

Here are some full back panties we can hope these women are wearing for multiple days before selling them online to perverts like you, in what was my original online business idea, where I even sourced the full back panties and dollar store tuna and glue stick I was going to use, to run the scam of the century before eBAY or PAYPAL wouldn’t let me do it….it was 2001 or 2002 so the natural direction was to obviously start a blog that no one reads….

BUT yeah, period panties are fun cuz you know the girl wearing them has no respect for you, like when I worked as a stock boy at the pharmacy and the hot chicks would ask me for laxatives or other gross shit to remind me that they didn’t consider me human and fucking them wasn’t even a possibility…which made them all the hotter….

SO ME YOUR FULL BACK PANTIES like these bitches..


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I like to think that everything is cyclical, mainly because I skipped out on a decade of relevance thanks to the whole social media influencer movement, when I didn’t really do very good on social media, because they’ve consistently deleted me.

So I’m sitting over here thinking that maybe the website format will make a comeback, that people will really want to read retard opinions of retard things when they can just do that for BIG TECH who they’ve already made rich and been brainwashed by.

So being a hopeful idiot, the fullback panty will make a comeback, if it hasn’t already….seeing that everything comes full circle….

On one end, girls basically walk around with their cunts out in public and on the internet to get noticed in the crowd…so at some point in time, people will get bored of that and want girls in bloomers like it’s the 1800s for eroticism.

On the other end, girls overshare about their periods, celebrate their abortions, post pics of their herpes with a IDGAF hashtag, all to show you just how gross and open they are on the internet, which is actually a fake as fuck personal, the herpes are real, but they all give a fuck, if they didn’t give a fuck they wouldn’t be uploading shit…literal shit…there are girls who post their poos as some form of empowerment….so posting big ass underwear they wear for comfort cuz they are lazy and have periods….and shit stains….is just another posting pics of their poos….

So here are some full back panties from a guy who never fucking cared about panty style and cared more about getting panties off in style, or at least awkwardly and embarrassingly thanks to a lack of dexterity while trying to not wake up the panty-weaerer….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Panties, like women, come in all shapes and sizes, all levels of filthy, all kinds of different smells….but unlike women, the worst shape, the highest level of filth, the most vile stomach churning stink can be the BEST of panties, if they live on the hottest of women..

A hot chick with a stinky ass and pussy, with terrible hygiene because she’s an addict, depressed, going through it, too hot to bother bathing because of her mental health issues that make her fear water and soap….is STILL a hot chick…

So this is an exploration of the fullback panty, which in my life was treated like an evil organization trying to kill your family and friends, you know like a hated uninvited guest thanks to marketing new styles of panties to keep “BIG PANTY” earning the billions because one you normalize period panties HANES HER WAY….you’re destroying your opportunity to sell premium panty to the idiot consumer…

When really, the hotter the panty is irrelevant, when all we need is the HOTTER the girl…


Posted in:Fullback Panty