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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Granny always told me, it’s not the panty it’s the ass in the panty, before sitting on my face in the literal Granny Panties as I’d scream bloody murder….but despite that trauma, the full back granny panty being that trigger, all these years later, the taste finally out of my mouth, I get where she’s coming from…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Here’s a series of brave girls rocking the FULL BACK panties, which are relationship panties, or period panties, or granny panties, because they were shamed so hard by the people behind the campaign for the THONG, we call them BIG THONG…..who were against the full-back granny panty line, but ALL for the more subtle but still a panty-line thong…cuz it made the rich.

I never subscribed to discriminating panties, I like them all, so long as we’re working towards removing them, just one layer closer to the golden box….

However, the general population, the same people who made bikini waxes and Kim Kardashian mainstream, did…so a lot of bullying went on against the granny panty, but thanks to fetishes coming full circle, bored of the thongs, we’re back to the granny panty….

And remember kids, it’s not the panty, it’s the ass wearing the panties that matters.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It’s not the panty that makes the woman, but rather the woman who makes the panties….

I may not be a philosopher, but these full back panties, a panty that has been hated and shamed, when placed on the right women, will even trigger the most brain washed loser who is coded to think “Only Thongs and Bald Pussy for Me”….those dudes exist and I know them personally…all “Hair is gross and granny panties grosser”….in what is one of the weirder, least hetero scenarios I can think of….because real dudes like all panties and see them as a challenge to REMOVE said panties.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

In a world of depravity, everything comes full circle when it comes to coming to fetishes….

So when one thing goes out of style and loses it’s sex appeal on the mainstream level, even though we all know there’s still a small group of us still into that thing, it’s just a matter of time before that comes back to us and our weird fetish, or nostalgia becomes in again…..

I’ve been an advocate for big, panty pillow bush for as long as I can remember, there are probably 1000s of posts on here about my love for bush, my sadness of the destruction of bush, all ready to chain myself to a tree like a protestor to save the bush, waiting outside waxing salons to END the BUSH cull….but the last few years, bush has been back….a good fucking thing for humanity…

Now, I’ve been an advocate for all panties, since it’s not the panties a girl wears but the ass that wears the panties that matter, and I’ve been never shaming of a girl who rocks some deep cut pantylines in her pants because she FULL BACKS her shit, my goal has always been to get to the panty, to remove the panty, to sniff the panty, to cum on the panty….the cut or fabric of said panty irrelevant…..so now people are starting to get off to the full-back panty, since it’s seemingly a NEW panty after they’ve blown out and over exposed all the other panty styles…

In this world of depravity, soon traditional monogamy, relationship sex, missionary with no pegging, ass eating, or other partners will become the hottest shit ever, just cumming inside to make babies like nature intended….and it may all start with the advent of the RELATIONSHIP PANTY being treated as if it is sexy……

It all comes full circle, all so that you can cum full circles…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

As much a I am conditioned to think all panties are panties and my goal in life is to view them as the fabric wall preventing me from illegally migrating into the pussy with my mouth like Mexican in a sewage pipe in Texas…

I really think all panties are a challenge, but more importantly a gift whenever I had the chance to see the panties. A celebration of every panty flash, every panty shown, every panty selfie that I was grateful for because it was panties….

That said, I just watched a fat middled aged woman with no ass in a pair of HANES HER WAY briefs do some erotic dance on social media, pulling the big panties up over her gut and I thought, “this would be better if it was a thong”….you know sometimes LESS fabric is more, I mean typically less fabric is more….but if the chick is hot, ANY panty is a good panty…so lets celebrate relationships and periods without having to smell the periods or deal with the painful abuse that is a relationship…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

As an old pervert, I’ll jerk off to almost any style panty and even when you get to a place where a girl is either willing to fuck you, or asleep and accessible, you take whatever panties that come with the girl, or you TAKE OFF whatever panties that come with the girl, so that you can come with the girl….

Panties are not like food preferences, or people with fake gluten and dairy allergies, or vegans scared of animal products, or people allergic to peanuts….they are pretty much always good, always hot, even when they aren’t….which can happen to, I mean I have a dirty fat neighbor and her full-back panties she hangs to dry are repulsive, but any panty she’d put out to dry would be repulsive, I think the sexier they were, the more respulsive they’d be so my Full Back Panty support is based on the woman, not the panty style, and ultimately, if I can fuck her, I’m into her underwear or lack of underwear choices….

Here are some fullbacks because it’s not about the panty, it’s about the content of the character, or at least the wetness of the cunt…or size of the tits, since most women I get with are dry as shit due to my inability to turn them on.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties may be the kind of panties you’d jerk off to when visiting your granny’s house on summer vacation, or maybe your mom and sister also wore these kinds of comfortable underwear that had as much sex appeal as any other panty since they were panties…and luckily thanks to NOSTALGIA and remembering all those first hand experiences you had with bikini panties throughout your life, coupled with the fact that they are STILL panties and we all love panties….they are still as hot as they’ve always been…

Remember, it’s women who decided that panties had to be thongs, they’ll blame dudes for it, and maybe dudes perpetuated the propaganda, but ultimately, we’d be as into their underwear if it was a soiled diaper or treated like a soiled diaper, since we all KNOW what HOLES soil diapers and that WORKS for us…

It’s like women can collectively protest against men, being like “we’re going to get fat, hairy and shit ourselves” and men, thanks to our sex drives will ADAPT to the new obstacles presented to us….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are the relationship panty, which in a world where people are dating or in extreme friendships with AI chat bots, because there’s no real difference to the relationships they have with medicated half retard humans, since they just communicate with them on an empty and superficial level through their phone screen, basically talking to themselves…..the relationship panty becomes the coveted panty…

Everything comes full circle when it comes to things to come to….since full back panties were a panty women feared being CAUGHT DEAD in to decades of them being the dirty little secret of panties for girls on their periods, to the current HOTTEST panty people can’t get enough of because for the longest time they were so bad.

We’re a weird species of perverts…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

The Full Back Panty is basically the new CREAMPIE…..

The world of hook-up culture COOMERS, who just fuck for the sake of getting off, because they’ve been indoctrinated by porno and they’ve realized that having families or reproducing is a crazy concept, thanks to the porno conditioning them of that, but the process of reproducing is fun because we’re wired to enjoy it as a mechanism of survival and keeping the species alive, but a mechanism that can be turned off and reduced to the sensation of it feeling good to bust in and to be busted in if you’re a chick….

So we’ve got this lonely, depressed, sad, medicated and ultimately useless generation of self involved assholes with cats, who have decided that empty sex is amazing, but made better when loads are dumped in bitches, so long as there’s ABORTION, IUDs and other tools to get rid of the potential PROBLEM of an 18 year old, living, breathing, crying STD that needs to be fed….

Long gone are the days of throwing a bitch down the stairs or staging a car accident to free yourself, these bitches do it themselves so they can let OTHER dudes COOM in them to get that itch scratched…

It’s a species ending situation, BRAVE NEW WORLD SHIT, but now the FULL BACK panty is making a comeback, so that these hook up freaks can throw some lazy housewife shit into the mix, without having to be a lazy housewife, but rather just lazy….and a generation of perverts have likely only seen panties like this on their MOMS so it’s exciting, thrilling and new…..

So here’s some FULL BACK PANTIES….for you RELATIONSHIP deprived depraved souls….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I have always been of the “a panty is a panty” school of thought. So long as I’m looking at the panty, I know I’m one more layer away from the pot of gold, that’s usually more of a sewage or dumpster that smells of feces and kitchen garbage, but it’s still my fucking destination and that’s my right!

However, I know there’s a whole generation of people who frowned upon the fullback panty, girls were shamed if they wore them and were never caught dead in them, and if they were caught dead in them, they’d live a life in purgatory in shame, reliving the paramedics finding them in full-back panties….a fate worse than death…eternal panty shame….

So that generation was also the computer screen generation, the no real human interaction generation, the hook up culture if they were lucky generation, the porno generation, and with emptiness and loneliness comes an yearning for that real trad relationship which for those who have been in one know, it involves full back panties…

Or maybe the throat fucking porn, the cuckold porn, the tranny porn has run it’s course and fetishizing full bank normal basic panties is the answer to all happiness…

Here’s a round up….a spiritual enlightenment in panty.


Posted in:Fullback Panty