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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties aren’t just for the periods, the relationships and the fat old ladies out there who don’t fuck with anything sexy….

Full back panties are also for the lonely, die alone, never finding a partner, or wife, to make babies with and have a life because they have better options that you….so instead you’re forced to jerk off to the bikini panty…

It is the alienated against panty that was blacklisted for a few decades like a Japanese person in America during the World War…only to be let out and allowed to prosper as a subgroup of panty….

Here’s a bunch of them…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It may not be my time to shine, it’s quite possible that I am unmarketable while being un-remarkable and the peak of the site happened 10 years ago when 4 million people were showing up every month because instagram didn’t kill the blog star, or because I was getting linked on bigger sites who were scared of being sued for posting the leaked nudes that I posted, either way…..I’ve either shined as much as I’ll ever shine….because even when the market turns to degeneracy, the degenerate from the early internet days is not the hero who broke the ground, but rather the idiot who couldn’t get GOOGLE ADS due to discrimination….

This wasn’t meant to be about me feeling sorry for myself like some kind of whining victim bitch who regrets the sex she had so decides she was raped for the sake of coming out of this a hero, I don’t give a fuck about shining….otherwise I’d be on instagram saying “hey guys” with every retard thought I have, I was just trying to say This isn’t my time to shine, but it’ she FULL BACK PANTY’s time to shine, because after being discriminated against, left on the tree to hang like an unwanted member of society, forgotten and thrown out, filling dumpsters like crackwhore bodies, forgotten by all, treated shamefully by all…..girls have circled back to them and are posting consistent panty pics with them and I like panties, even nostalgic ones resurfacing!


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties are a lesson in the stupidity of the female species….

You already know this, but the long story short is that the female species is plugged into the female hive mind, where the female hive mind decides what is appropriate or what is inappropriate….and the women that are plugged into the hive mind must oblige because it is like a mind controlling parasite….that hive mind……

So things like bikini waxes were initiated by the female hive mind and all the women ran with bald pussy being the trend….things like hook-up culture, fat girls being seen as hot, sugar babying and sex work being real work, selling nudes on the internet, taking nudes, watching porn, sex toys….all things that the hive mind decided was how women should behave….end of family, end of breeding unless it is to trap a man….you know….the hive mind is a bit of a cunt….legging in public, gnarly cameltoes as deep as a cameltoe can go…braless (coming soon in my feminist post)….all hive mind decisions….

The silliest being the death of the full back panty, which is making a comeback because they are comfortable, I know because on laundry day I wear my wife’s…not because I’m a cross dresser but because I am a slob..

Things are cyclical…but for a good decade it was the GRANNY panty, women shamed each other for the bikini brief, the standard panty and blamed MEN for it…like we fucking care what a panty looks like, so long as it’s not stained and full of feces…we’re good….and even if it’s stained…that can sell more to the right pervert so don’t put the blame on us female hive mind…..it’s not our doing….

The point of the story, if you find a woman too autistic to be in the female hive mind, MARRY her and never let her go, they are a rare breed of special…

Here are some full back panties fighting the system….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are not just for the SCAT freaks who prefer them to a thong, because the panties can hold a pile of shit better than a thong, if anything the thong would just slice the shit in half, like some kind of gadget you’d get to slice vegetables off of an infomercial…

Full Back Panties are not just for the PERIOD freaks, who are just really into periods, either because they are psychos who like seeing bloody cunt, because it reminds them of their fantasy murder scene….or for PERIOD freaks who are just so used to fucking old ladies that the period is a sign of fertility and not being old and rotten…

Full Back Panties are not just for the sad sack of shit dude who has never been in a long term relationship but jerks off to the idea of one, knowing the full back panties are the norm….

Full Back Panties aren’t just for old bros that used to only know Full Back panties because thongs were just to high grade, luxury, in magazines but not in life, unless you were married to a whore, or stripper….

Full Back Panties are for everyone, because FULL back panties ARE panties and PANTIES by default are always fun to look at…

Here’s a round-up.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Fridays are for full back panties, which I don’t think is actually supported by any real data…since you’d want to believe that Fridays are for the best panties a bitch can find, that by sunday become no panties, since they were lost along the way of their whoring weekend….

But we’re a much lazier society than we used to be, everyone a fat, medicated hermit, so the full back is probably what most girls have on, because they’re too busy sitting on the couch, in need of a full back coverage to absorb all the drips….

SO here are some full back panties, that are still panties, just a little too real….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I think it’s safe to say that Full Back Panties are more a Sunday or Monday Panty than a Friday Panty….

The Friday panty should be an exciting panty, the end of week panty, a going out on the town to get black out drunk panty, the kind of panty you’d want to be found in a ditch wearing…..not the kind of panty you wear when you have food poisoning, your period, or that you’re just looking for comfort in.

The good news is that as perverts, we can sexualize the panty any day of the week, even homely relationship panties on a FRIDAY, because we know the kind of girl in FULL BACK panties on a friday, is probably the kind of girl who hates herself enough to sit on our faces!



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday on a Monday of the Day

I am of the school of thought that all panties are panties and whether bikini bottoms are now skimpier than panties, I am still wired to want to get into the panties, and whether the panties are big, gross, saggy, dumpy, large, filled with period or feces or not, my getting into panty instinct and lack of standards takes over….

Sure, I can sit here thinking that I will only accept high end lingerie because it’s aesthetically more appealing, looks like it smells and tastes better if you were to soak said panties in a pot of hot water for some tea…..but the reality is, so long as it’s a panty it’s good enough for me.

Sure, I can say that full back panties are a little domestic, a little Mom Next Door going through menopause, a little too homely and Walmart shopping….but the reality is, so long as it’s a panty, it’s a panty….and that’s good enough for me…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It’s Friday, here are a bunch of girls in Full Back panties, being so brave and empowered in their producing LEWD content for strangers of the internet because it’s trendy or fun..

I don’t really need to do a rant about the shame that Full Back Panties went through in my lifetime, but it’s probably the most oppressed group of panties….clearly being paid their reparations as girls are finding some appeal in them….maybe realizing dudes don’t give a fuck if the panties are skimpy or hot so long as they are panties. It’s a psychological thing not a visual thing….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t know if full back panties make you nostalgic because they are the panties your now dead mother used to wear when you were growing up and you’d always sneak a sniff when you’d have a window of opportunity to pull a jerk when she was out at the grocery store or some shit…

I don’t know if they remind you of the 80s, back in the last time you had sex, because most girls were wearing the bikini brief as a daily underwear in the simpler less whorish time…..

Maybe they remind you of married life, or of relationship life, two things your intolerable weirdness can’t secure…..because you’re the worse….so staring at them is a girlfriend experience for you.

Or maybe you like girls in plus sized panties while on their periods, because you have a fertility fetish….NO MENOPAUSE for you.

Whatever your reason, there’s more than just thongs out there, there’s panties bigger than the average bikini bottom you’d see on any beach if you left the house….and that’s what makes the full back panty fetish a real thing.



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I assume that the last stragglers who still check out this site are the kind of perverts who you find lurking the strip club parking lot hours after closing hoping the stripper they fell in love with and bought flowers for and lap dances from comes out and gives them a chance….even though she leaves from the employee entrance…

You know the last call motherfuckers who don’t really know how the internet works, or that don’t realize that they can find this content without the annoying, bitter, angry, miserable, pathetic, low level commentary that they don’t actually read…

We’re a desperate bunch so FULL BACK PANTIES being PANTIES is enough for us, cuz they are panties…

We don’t need the fancy stuff, the high fashion stuff, just any old pair of underwear will do, that’s why we buy them on sale at Walmart to cuddle with at night, pretending we’re not alone and that GIRLS do exist, just not in our world..

I mean I’m married to one, who drives me crazy and her full back panties are vile, not the kind you want to wear as a face mask, convenient because they are so large I can wear them on laundry day, not so convenient due to the impossible to remove stains….but yeah…full back panties on bitches you want to fuck, are panties I will not alienate, judge, or use my SYSTEMIC racism against…

YOU CANNOT CONDITION ME TO HATE FULL BACK PANTIES you internet propaganda machine…


Posted in:Fullback Panty