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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t know if full back panties make you nostalgic because they are the panties your now dead mother used to wear when you were growing up and you’d always sneak a sniff when you’d have a window of opportunity to pull a jerk when she was out at the grocery store or some shit…

I don’t know if they remind you of the 80s, back in the last time you had sex, because most girls were wearing the bikini brief as a daily underwear in the simpler less whorish time…..

Maybe they remind you of married life, or of relationship life, two things your intolerable weirdness can’t secure…..because you’re the worse….so staring at them is a girlfriend experience for you.

Or maybe you like girls in plus sized panties while on their periods, because you have a fertility fetish….NO MENOPAUSE for you.

Whatever your reason, there’s more than just thongs out there, there’s panties bigger than the average bikini bottom you’d see on any beach if you left the house….and that’s what makes the full back panty fetish a real thing.


Posted in:Fullback Panty