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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I have always been of the “a panty is a panty” school of thought. So long as I’m looking at the panty, I know I’m one more layer away from the pot of gold, that’s usually more of a sewage or dumpster that smells of feces and kitchen garbage, but it’s still my fucking destination and that’s my right!

However, I know there’s a whole generation of people who frowned upon the fullback panty, girls were shamed if they wore them and were never caught dead in them, and if they were caught dead in them, they’d live a life in purgatory in shame, reliving the paramedics finding them in full-back panties….a fate worse than death…eternal panty shame….

So that generation was also the computer screen generation, the no real human interaction generation, the hook up culture if they were lucky generation, the porno generation, and with emptiness and loneliness comes an yearning for that real trad relationship which for those who have been in one know, it involves full back panties…

Or maybe the throat fucking porn, the cuckold porn, the tranny porn has run it’s course and fetishizing full bank normal basic panties is the answer to all happiness…

Here’s a round up….a spiritual enlightenment in panty.

Posted in:Fullback Panty