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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

PERIOD PANTIES the more stained, the more run-through, the more stiffness to them the better.

Little known fact, my first attempt at an internet business, not that this is an internet business, but my first attempt at an internet business was around 25 years ago with a girl who I used to take smoke breaks with when working at a drug store, and the idea was to find a cheap shit panty supplier, the flimsier the better, to have her wear and sell to weirdos online – long before it was a fetish, or a thing people were doing….

It fell through because I am bad at getting shit done, she got chicken shit about taking pics of her ass in the panties for the perverts, it was the era where lives were ruined with nudes, not nudes were published at midnight of your 18th birthday, ebay and other sites at the time were against the sex trade….and wouldn’t let us do it, and instead of making my own hub, I gave up on the idea, but period pants, or full back panties, which were the route we were taking at the time….will always hold a near and dear place in my heart….unless they are on my obese wife, with all her hygiene issues and size, it’s pretty fucking traumatic.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

They call us panty chasers because there was a time when panties, all panties, any panties, so long as they were panties, were good enough for us to feel like we’ve won.

During that era, girls used to be grossed out when you called their panties by their Christian name, they’d say “ewww don’t call them panties”….not realizing that she can call them what she wants, we’re still trying to get in them.

Then people got spoiled, people became whores and bigger perverts, the women who were the keepers of sex wanted to be like dudes or porn chicks and called it empowering, so full back panties were phased out, thongs and free-balling brought in…..hook-up culture happened, long term relationships ended, period panties became a fetish or sign of purpose, meaning, intimacy for the lonely perverts that don’t bother fucking anymore because everyone is fucked out…..well we’re back baby.

The relationship panty for all use all to COSPLAY…..thanks to these FULL BACK PANTY FETISHISTS…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I could be wrong about the FULL BACK panty now becoming a trend, or a fetish, because I am seeing more chicks posting up the FULL BACK panty pics….

I guess it probably started when the BOY SHORT panty came into trend, it was a weird time…it was like girls went through a phase where they would only wear a thong up their dripping assholes, even when on the rag, because they didn’t want people knowing they were on the rag, even though we could smell that they were on the rag…all for style and fashion….

Then all of a sudden, the boy cut, cheeky style underwear came into trend, like the middle ground, bikini panty, was the bastard child locked in the basement for daddy to molest when he got home from work, replaced by the thong, only to be left in the basement when they brought out the boyshort, a seemingly BIGGER panty coverage panty than the standard bikini bottom….

It’s weird logic, but apparently, comfort is winning, or at least becoming a fetish, for those of us who NEVER really cared…since all panties were meant to be pulled off and thrown across the room, or at the very least stolen, so that we could sniff them at a later date….we’ve all been there, just doing the best we can to survive. Right.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Fullback panties may be alienated, abused, victims of systemic racism, treated like shit, second rate panty citizens, all covered in shit and thrown into the corner until the next month’s period comes along and they need a rinse….

They may reserved for fat girls who can’t handle the pain from the sexier shaped or designed panty, or old ladies who have thrown in the towel, or now the young generation who wear them ironically because fuck having sex appeal, or putting yourself together, dudes will eat your dirty bikini panty wearing ass regardless of showers or hot lingerie, which I guess has always been the case for me, since I have jerked off on, in and to full back panties…not that I like discussing jerking off or my jerking off habits to a bunch of dudes like a fag, I actually hate that shit and prefer when people keep that information to themselves, I’m just driving a point home motherfuckers and that is that FULL BACK panties may be back, but to some of us, they never LEFT to get milk and some smokes at 10 pm one night only to never return like your dad. He never loved you.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

When it comes to panties, I guess the full back panty is the best for you weird soy boys and your low testosterone to wear in your cross dressing, you know now that it’s not cool to be men, so soy titty boys are deciding to swap genders to live out life as the hottest chick they can be…you know like SAM SMITH and his disturbing shot on all fours in tuck tape….WHAT A WORLD…

So Full Back panties are being normalized harder than ever, I thought it was because people were lonely and the full bikini underwear is a sign of passion-less relationship during her period….comfort is king…except when wanting to view your chick as a sex object….not that I ever discriminated against panties, but the general public did.

After much reflection, I think the Full Back panty comeback is because dudes are confused and like that there is room for their external ovaries, you know…THE BALLS, but you can’t have balls when you’re a lady….NOW CAN YOU….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

These brave women….

I love when I see a social media post where some fat chick posts up some boudoir pic or some slutty selfie and they position it as some “I don’t care what you think, I’m a sexual being, I own a dildo, I have sex, people find me hot”….you know a “trigger warning, big bad bitch with attitude coming through your feed”….kind of thing….and the comments, which always feel like BOT comments, which I guess is probably what they are since we’re at that point in society were everyone is a mindless drone who nods aimlessly, without purpose or convinction, all dead behind the eyes, waiting for their next order from the MATRIX or the ALGORITHM….but yeah, they all read “you’re so brave”…..that’s not brave, that’s posting a thirst trap for attention cuz you want to cosplay as a hot chick…

So yeah, I see full back panties, I think of all the hate they got, all the insecurity the women who wore them had with them, “Oh I’m on my period”….”don’t look at my panty line” and I think….they must be thinking this is brave or edgy….you know posting girlfriend style panties to the internet and that’s fucking dumb….but I’ll take it.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Looks like FULL BACK Panties are making a comeback.

They aren’t the shameful panty girls who randomly get brought home for a fuck after unsuspecting they were being brought for a fuck…so they shamefully remove them as quickly as they can because they’ve been conditioned to think that full back panties are shit, not just good at catching shit, but actual shit….not to be worn, not be seen, unless you’ve given up….like sweatpants in the 90s, they were frowned upon.

As a fan of panties, that’s a good thing…the more panty content for us perverts to stare at, the


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t know if full back panties are an official fetish, but I am going to assume that they are, you know, a subset of the panty fetish, because some dudes like panties that remind them of their moms or high school girlfriends in the 80s, because life was simpler and happier then…where you had the future you always hoped for ahead of you, dreams and passion existed, before real life took over and left you where you’re at, now older, sadder, nothing panned out how you expected, but dammit when you jerk off, you sure as fuck do it to granny panties, the relationship panty, the period panty, the unassuming, not work for sex appeal other than the inherent sex appeal any panty has because it is a panty, but instead for comfort…giving that girlfriend experience, that familiar feeling of a time when you weren’t so alone…

Or maybe, you just like seeing girls being slutty exhibitionists LIKE ME!


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I just did a post on GIRLS IN DIAPERS as some obscure fetish that happens when the people have been exposed to too much standard and even weird sexual content that they need to go even weirder…

While I was here thinking that Full Back Panties were the panty that needed more marketing behind it, since it went through so much hate when the Big-Underwear decided to write it off and replace it with thongs, g-strings, boy shorts…anything but bikini panty…

The reputation of period panties, relationship panties, granny panty, mom panty….all pretty negative for a young girl trying to be sexy….even though dudes everywhere, at least straight dudes, didn’t need a thong to get off, they needed the panties off to get off the way they wanted to get off, and whatever they happened to look like before getting off irrelevant…

Since dudes are getting off to girls in diapers…it kinda makes the full back panty pretty basic, normal, boring, average…which some of us appreciate, who needs the theatrics of it all…but it’s hardly edgy to be into the full back panty, it’s rebelious like you’re on the frontlines of helping sexualize a panty that was once sexualized…..before the THONG tried to murder it.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

PERIOD PANTIES, RELATIONSHIP PANTIES, GRANNY PANTIES, MOM PANTIES….so many derogatory, misleading, mean spirited energy targeting the full back panty over the last 25 years, that you’d think it was an oppressed panty, a victim of racism panty, systemic discrimination….a panty worthy of marches, worthy of protests, worthy of activists looting Walmarts in their honor….BURN THE CITIES to right the wrong of the FULL BACK PANTY hate….raise money, get to the government offices, do TV interviews, raise money, use said money to buy houses…..FULL BACK PANTY LIVES MATTER….

The fact is the FULL BACK PANTY is a panty, which should be enough, not all panties are treated equally, because the world is full of bigots…but they are PANTIES and by definition as a man, I want to get in them…whether they are skimpy, lacy, naughty, enough or not, I want to get into them.

So leave FULL BACK PANTIES alone and embrace their comfort, their functionality, their shape….their PANTYlines…


Posted in:Fullback Panty