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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It’s the last full back panties friday of the year and no one cares….

Either you’re all in your own vaccine induced psychosis as you change your gender and freeze tomato juice into cubes you can shove up your ass once a month to pretend that you’re having your period like a fucking crazy person that everyone coddles and pretends is a non-crazy person because they are crazy too.

Or, you’re spending the day with family and friends, enjoying yourself off the internet because FULL BACK panties aren’t that important when you reflect on the last year and anticipate the next year being better and not more insane…

Whatever you’re into, I hope you get your share of FULL BACK panties from a girl you love and who loves you enough to wear full back panties in front on you….it’s the relationship panty….instead of from the homeless women you have sex with to give them something to fill their bellies….they don’t care about you…they just want a warm shower and that can of soup man..

Happy fucking new year.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are panties too…..

They are the kind of panties the family can collectively wear around the Christmas tree and feel fully clothed because they are less skimpy than a modern day bikini….not that you have a family and if you did, you probably would want them clothed, unless you’re one of those incest fetishists!!

The full back are practical, comfortable and perfect for periods….so in your lonely, sad, holiday season depressing downers who saved all year to block out 5 hours of fuck with a Reddit prostitute, be sure to put that whore in a pair of holiday themed fullback panties, so that you can make her deliver that girlfriend experience you crave so much….you poor bastard.

HEY…how about some fullbacks…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

You see, with more testosterone in your veins…you don’t really get too into the style or design of the panties a girl is wearing….you take a more animalistic approach….maybe fuelled by the pheromones or some shit that just tap right into your fucking brain and make you want to get into the panties, as they are just a fabric barrier between you and the golden nugget at the end of the fucking rainbow…those panties can be shit filled, soaked through, they can be torn or full of period….the fact that they are marketed as GRANNY PANTIES don’t fucking matter….they could be diapers or a locking chastity belt you’re trying to eat through….you just have to be man or pervert enough.

So I’ve never bought into the granny panty is bad, or embarrassing hype so I aprpeciate these girls embracing their granny panties and making some kind of activism bullshit around them…some FULL BACK PANTY pride nonsense because THEY are panties.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties are panties too, even if they are less coverage than the average bikini in this era of whroedom….

Which means, despite all the bad press, the being forced to be seen as GRANNY panties that old chicks wear, or period panties that girls in relationships or when alone at home and living their true lives without trying to impress anyone rock their their comfy panties and all you can see is old blood stains…unless those are shit stains..or some pussy infection stains you happen to appreciate because of where it comes from…..

So yeah, despite being marketed as gross, they can be hot, because they are still panties and as panties, some of us, who still like the simple things in life, want to get up in them…..or at least to sniff them even if it means stealing them from the laundromat or buying them off the internet from whores who wore them for weeks at a time….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Granny panties may be marketed as the boring, more uptight, relationship panty of fat girls on their periods…..because that’s how you sell hotter panties to sluttier women when you launch a cultural shift in humanity by making everyone sex obsessed perverts…it didn”t happen overnight, we weren’t all jerking off to tranny porn looking for something edgy because our dicks were so desensitized to regular porn, and we weren’t all building our own cunts out of our dicks to feel what it’s like to be a girl in porn, there was a build up to that degeneracy…..and I think it happened when they decided the full back panty, which 99 percent of men were fine with since they were panties that girls were in. We were simple back then…..a hard nipple in a t-shirt could be enough to get us off…

Most of us didn’t subscribe to granny panties being seen as some sort of embarrassment, because clearly FULL BAcK PANTIES can be hot…so here’s a shout out post to the girls who are bringing Granny panties back into the panty cycle like it was the 90s….even if they are being ironic about it.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I am a modern day philosopher you know, it’s not my fault no one reads anymore, if they did, they’d know that about me….

Spending my days writing about FULL BACK GRANNY PANTIES that were once saved for relationships and when girls are on their period in this modern era of shaming the granny panty when BIG UNDERWEAR wanted to kill it off, and upgrade it with THONGS….good for the bottom line…but not necessarily good for the bottom….IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN….

So here I am writing about GRANNY panties like we were in still in the glory days of Granny Panties being the standard panty, so that other panties would signal a slut….now we just have to assume they are all sluts.

I could be writing random words, I could have an AI do this for me, but I’m as old as Granny Panties being panties and that’s all we cared about….

This empowering of the granny panty by bravely wearing them in their sex content like some kind of rebel is just a weird twist in the story of the granny panty….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Here are some empowered women showing their confidence in themselves, or their asses, by posting up pics of their full-back panties, knowing that full-back panties were bastardized or treated like the redheaded child and left in the woods to die, because they wanted to market thongs and sexier options to the credit card, debt loving, consumers that find happiness in following trends, which is actually the majority of mindless idiots just trying to fit in, or go unnoticed…..

I’m of the school of thought that any style of panty a girl wears is amazing because it gives me something to imagine taking off or seeing soaked through and even when I find panties on the side of the street, not knowing whether they are a product of rape, a bathroom accident, or just negligence with said panties while changing or getting fucked, I never discriminate based on style. They are all a gift from god….

So here are some FULL BACKS in action…being ALRIGHT.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t believe there’s actual panty discrimination out there, but at the same time the general population is pretty easy to mind fuck, and there was an era where the Full Back Panties were called granny panties, and played off as disgusting…so along with Bush, which was also played off as disgusting, even though no one I know thought either of those things were disgusting, but girls were still chicken skin shaving their twats, wearing thongs they hated, all because they were “ice bucket challenged”……

I mean I guess we’re in an era where people are manipulated to cut their own dicks off, so the idea of shaving cunt or blacklisting granny panties is pretty small time….

That’s about as extreme a thing you can do, in a “if your friends jump off a bridge, do you” moment in society….how about “if strangers from the internet encourage and validate you enough to cut off your own dick, and brands throw money at you to do it, do you do it?”….pretty fucking extreme…..”would you take 1,000,00 dollars to cut off your own dick”….only to think it’s right, a great idea, a future business plan, it’s crazy….and they arrested a girl for convincing her boyfriend to kill himself……


What are you, on your period or something?

What are you a whore giving the long term relationship experience or something?


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

As a modern day philosopher with less reach than a homeless guy at at the convenience store in a small town begging for meth money, it is important to remind you that is not about THE PANTY the ass is WEARING…..but about THE ASS that is wearing the panty.

Meaning, if the ass is good enough, a burlap sack jacked up inside it would be exciting and not just because you’d assume it was a hobo or runaway who lost all her clothes in a fire on the train she jumped, but because if the ass is good enough, it doesn’t matter what it wears…

Meaning, the hole shaming of GRANNY panties from the 90s for about 20 years was a load of bullshit…to make girls, some with great asses, insecure about wearing the GRANNY panty despite it being more comfortable, due to panty-lines and being mocked…..unless they were on their period or in relationship when they reveal they aren’t all sex thong and girl’s gotta live….

I don’t think the patriarchy shamed girls for their panty selection, I think that’s just an excuse ugly asses make for burning all their granny panties and replacing them with thongs, only to have THIS here revival in a “don’t shame me, empowwer me” era of GRANNY panty….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I like to think of myself as a sex positive, women positive, wrongfully labeled a misogynist, at least back when the site was on the radar and people would call it disgusting for reducing whore celebrities to their tits because everything else about them was bought, owned, fake and unimpressive….which really wasn’t anti-woman, but rather anti miserable opportunist women deflating the spirit of everyday women….it was some MARTYR shit…sacrificing myself for women…

So as a hero to women, I am here to say that FULL BACK PANTIES, which the media shat on harder than your grandma after mexican food after losing her ability to digest and control her bowels, are PANTIES too….

All panties are created equally, it’s the asses that wear the panties that aren’t, but I am all for looking at all asses in all panties and putting them under a ranking system based on fuckability, because that’s what WOMEN empowerment advocates DO.


Posted in:Fullback Panty