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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

All panties are good panties…..from the sexiest crotchless panty on the hottest pussy, to the post workout panty crunched up in a ball in the bottom of the gym bag that I found on the subway…..to the period stained panties I saw in a park trash can….to the shit covered panties I found in a bar bathroom….thanks for CO-ED, Genderless, Universal bathrooms to challenge me whole “girls don’t shit” theory”…..jerks….

So full back panties, great….thongs, great….bloomers from the 1800s, AWESOME….I don’t care, just let me up in em.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties are panties too…

I am a tired, old, near expired pervert from a different era. I am like your grandfather telling you about walking to school in a snowstorm because they didn’t have cars back then, only the pervert version, and where I come from, seeing panties, any panty was enough to keep a motherfucker happy, all the hullaballoo, razzmatazz, pomp and circumstance in different cuts, different fabrics, thongs, strings, g-string, lace, shapewear, silk or satin, chainline, was all just icing on the fucking cake, and motherfucker was only there for the cake….

What the quality of a panty comes down to is simple, how good the ass and pussy in said panties looks, because you can put a top hat on a snake, or in this case a party dress on a pig, and it’s still a snake or a pig…..that I’ll still look at in their underwear…but the underwear selection is a chick thing, probably inspired by other chicks telling them what guys thing, only for us to take the shit and get blamed for their insecurities that they created for themselves, not realizing panties are one step closer to our goal of GETTING in said panties….one layer down…or more if you’re dealing with one of those three pant wearing scared of being raped type….and that’s what fucking matters.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

When you have a good ass, you can wear anything and it’ll look good, even those bastardized and hated granny panties that are finally making a comeback because women and their hive minds have decided to reclaim them, like they are reclaiming bush, because COVID taught them comfort is king and NO dude gives an actual fuck about your bush, or panties, so be lazy bitch….

When you have a shitty ass, full back panties are probably more efficient of absorbing said shit….because the thong has too little fabric.

I’ve been a firm believer that seeing any and all panties on any and all grades of quality ass, is a win….but also that girls who think wearing jockey underwear is some feminist protest are fucking idiots since generations of women, we’re taking for at least 100 years, wore full back panties daily, not just in stagnant relationships and not just on their periods so here are a bunch of FULL bak panties, most looking good…all worth looking at.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t believe that women really wear underwear unless they are on their period because any girl that I’ve been friends with has not worn underwear unless they were on their period and I’m not talking a handful of girls who I was in with on an intimate level that I’d know this first hand, I am talking basically every girl I’ve ever had a conversation with because once the uncomfortable awkwardness of the conversation is gone, my first question is “What color panties are you wearing” followed up by “what style panty are you wearing” and my sample size is big enough to know…..panties are. just for selfies for the internet and periods.

So these FULL BACK panties are in the mix to de-stigmatize them, to break their GRANNY PANTY reputation, to show ladies that their asses are still fuckable in full back panties, we don’t need asshole dental floss thongs, all shit covered and painful, as dudes, we’re just happy to see any panty, we’re so pathetic….

Here are some babes who BRANG it.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It may be CANADA DAY here in Canada….

It may be INDEPENDENCE DAY weekend in the USA….

We may all be victims of a Tyrannical Government trying to steal our freedoms and put us on social credit score systems to control our every move because EVIL is winning…

But it’s also PERIOD DAY for some of you with significant others who aren’t menopausal…..which means FULL BACK PANTIES….TO GET THAT REAL relationship experience….which I guess involved period panties everyday of the month because people give up and get comfortable when they get off the HOOK UP dating apps to do normal shit like start a family..

I believe panties are panties whatever the shape or size…they may not be created equally but if my dick still worked, I’d come on them all with equal level of disappointing vigor….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties are the bastard stepchild of panties, but as it turns out, if you have a hot ass, you can wear any panty and survive or thrive, maybe even wear them ironically, like a silly T-Shirt for shits and giggles…

I am of the school of thought that panties are all created equally and if I am seeing them, we’re heading in the right direction, like being lost in the woods and finding your footprints back home, the underwear, so long as it is underwear, is always worth looking at, even when not.

You may not feel the same, but you can go start your own site, I bet it will be far more successful than this cesspool of literal trash…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

The best part of full back panties is eating the period out of them, since that’s basically the only time girls rock the full back panties, unless they are in relationships and have thrown in the towel.

I guess for the normies out there, the best thing about full back panties, like all panties is taking them the fuck off.

I guess for the old ass fucks out there like me, the best thing about full back panties is that they are panties, and when you’re as old as me, all asses look amazing in the full back panties, even when they don’t because if you saw my 60 year old obese wife’s ass in a set of full back panties, assuming we could find some in her size, you’d understand why ALL these fullback panties are incredible to me.

That’s not in defence of full back panties, that’s a glimpse into my sad and depressive existence.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

As it turns out, it’s not the panty, it’s the ass….because I was chatting with my friend Stefan the other day about big, high waisted, full back panties looking terrible and terrifying on most women, in a what the fuck are you wearing those for, are you expecting.a plane crash over a deserted island, where you’ll need to use those fucking Hanes her Way as shelter, a blanket, or a sale for the raft you craft out of sticks……but he said “you’re the one who does a full back panties post every week and some of those asses are amazing….

Yeah, I am not discriminating against panties, I am just happy to see panties, I’m that simple….but I do discriminate against gross asses in panties….

So on a hot enough ass, even if the panties look silly, or huge, or like they are ready to absorb a mass shooting level of blood period, a little too much of a girlfriend, I’m into it.

When on a hot ass, like in any other panty they look good enough to look at…..so that’s the basis of my support for any panty even one as alienated and hated as the full back panty….

I don’t want to see any panty on a garbage ass, at least not on the internet, where we have options….

It’s not tuesday night at the bowling alley…..which is basically where all logic gets thrown out the window….and nasty ass in nasty panties gross me out, just not enough to not cum on them.

You get what I’m saying here….it all comes down to thee chick being hot, so if you’re a chick, be hot…..not that being ugly or fat will stop us, we’ll just hate you more because of our lack in standards and discretion when we agree to rail your crusty ass with those crusty ass panties pulled to the side…..STRIKE!


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Fullback panties are making a comeback because we’ve become a lazy society that celebrates laziness, and prefer comfort and putting no effort into things, rather than getting all uncomfortable for the sake of hotness.

It’s the throw in the towel on sexy, but bring in the panty big enough to be a towel, or a sail, in the event you’re lost at sea and all you have left is your panties to sav you.

I have never been a real hater of the fullback panty, I’m from the 80s and they were standard fare amongst the normies, if you were seeing panties, you were winning…so you didn’t bother to see or care if they were stained, oversized, the panties were enough.

Obviously, with everyone being a sex obsessed, or sex to market themselves slut, we’ve shifted from the panty, but like my friend Stefan the Hairdresser said so well the other day…..these girls need to give paying customer what they want, which is always the same thing, but in different ways….meaning sometimes a granny panty or a mom panty gets slaughtered in the process and I’m ok with that, cuz I’m old, it’s still panties, and the whole girlfriend experience in a lonely and empty world happens with something a bitch wears on her period….


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are making a comeback, in part because of feminism, you know empower women to wear things they’ve been conditioned to think are only for their period or long term relationships, since the full back panty has spent 20 years being dragged into the mud as being an inferior panty….even though functionally, it’s got great coverage, and with the elastic leg bands, can probably hold a full shit like a diaper….at least for a short period of time before seepage, but THONGS can’t do that.

I don’t know if this is a product of rebellion against the patriarchy they blame for the THONG being made to be the standard panty, which functionally it should never have been, it’s a look not a tool…..

I don’t know if this is a product of realizing dudes like any panty so long as it is panty, that’s the allure…we’re not supposed to be seeing the panty, it’s UNDERWEAR not outerwear…and even a full back panty is hotter than a bikini because a bikini is meant to be seen.

I don’t know if it’s a matter of keeping up with the nudes, or salacious content they post daily, because you need diversity to stay interesting!


Posted in:Fullback Panty