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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

You may have woke up to a viral video of a breast feeding mommy influencer from Canada, running out to save her goose from some mean spirited bird of prey, with baby on tit, rocking a pair of full back mom panties…because I did.

My first thought was “the things people do to be famous”….you know setting her goose up to be eaten by a bird she was probably luring in for a few weeks building up to it….I mean with her camera propped perfectly at the perfect time in the day when she’s feeding her kid….what’s the well being of a goose matter when you can get on all the news feeds….

But then I saw the mom panties and knew that no girl, not even a mom, especially not a mom, would be wearing granny panties, even now that they are normalized for her first viral moment, even if it makes it seem more authentic….it’d be something a little hotter…

But I guess, some people out there find the full back panty hot because it feels real, it feels like it’s not staged, I know dudes who HATE when their girl puts on lingerie, they find it awkward and want the normal relationship panty….

I guess, some women out there want to reclaim thee full back panty for some activism, to feel like they have a cause, even if it just involves posting panties…instead of doing other activism to make the world a better place.

I guess, most dudes, like me, are just happy to stare at girls in panty.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I am sure you pubescent minded motherfuckers out there debate with each other on your weird geek chatrooms and forums you’re part of, about what panty style is best…and I doubt Full Backs make the list….

But where I am coming from in my pubescent mind is that all panties, despite not being created equal, are still panties and I’m into it….

I am a woke and inclusive participation medal for all don’t fail any of these retards despite us not being created equally, we can pretend they are or jerk off to them like they are and I’m fine with that.

Period panties, granny panties, bloomers or bikini….all full back..all worth jerking off to…because it’s never about the panty, but about the babe in the panties….so focus on that with this.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day


So let’s go into the weekend looking at girls in period panties to celebrate female empowerment bullshit, where you know some of these girls are posting their granny panties to the internet as some sort of activism or protest.

I don’t know if girls actually try to intellectualize or protest the patriarchy by wearing relationship, throw in the towel,bleeding from the cunt, it’s the pandemic aftermath and we’re lazy, so here’s comfy pants to give the paying SIMPS the girlfriend experience….

But they probably do.

Luckily, we let the bitches talk their shit, so long as we get to see them being sluts on the internet….and posting your underwear on the internet is slutty. FUN.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I guess the political attack on full back panties is officially over and women are feeling proud, empowered or just laziness to produce content around panties you’d expect them to only wear while having their period, because we’ve been a less is more kind of society when it comes to panties, the less panty the better, so that we can see as much ass as possible, and now we’re in a place where bikinis are all thongs, but the underwear’s going back to it’s old form of 90s jockey.

I always thought the underwear trend was hilarious, because I am a dude and I know dudes and when we were all fucking in the 80s and 90s, no one thought anything o the panty, it was just a panty….but marketing machines and propagandists changed all that for personal gain, attacking the full back panty and FINALLY women have come together in protest for something less annoying than feminism, or woke shit, even though it’s probably postured as feminism, because clearly it’s the toxic male’s fault they bought into panty brand marketing….dumb fucks….take some damn responsibility for your damn self.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Some say that not all panties are created equally, but the fact of the matter is that not all panty wearers are created equally, because the right panty wearer can be hot even when using your face as a pair of panties, and you’re pretty gross, but also hot if she decides to use some rotten luncheon meat as panties, or really a dirty diaper as panties, so the concept of men being such fags that women had to be insecure about wearing full back panties unless they were in a long term relationship, is some real propaganda bullshit lie, like the attack on BUSH, not man genuinely HATES bush, or GRANNY panties and if they do…they are probably a they and just haven’t had the testosterone levels checked yet.

Here’s some FULL BACK PANTIES to help EMPOWER the FULL BACK panty wearers.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t consider myself a Panty Fetishist, like I’d never buy panties off some nasty panty vendor on Reddit, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t sell panties to perverts if I knew how to market things on the internet, which based on this site alone, I don’t.

So if I was a panty vendor on the internet, all dripping canned tuna juice on stick-glue skid marks, I’d definitely diversify the panty offering…..are you a THONG GUY, are you a FULL BACK PANTY GUY, are you a BOY SHORT GUY, are you a little kid tighty whitie guy, so I could put you on the list I’d send to the FBI for further investigation…..I knew a guy who would buy his girl’s little boy superman underwear….and well….it was weird.

So despite not being a panty fetishist, I do like panty pics on girls trying to cocktease and market themselves to me, because it’s aspirational, it’s not the full mean on a platter or buffet table, it’s a taste leaving me wanting more….which is why MODESTY is the HOTTESTY….one you’re spreading ass and shoving monster dildo up in it you’ve pretty much gone as far as you can…where do you go from there….while panty pics can keep a loser strung along for fucking YEARS…..


You know…ladies be smart, dial it back girls…It’s EASTER SUNDAY…let’s keep it PG PANTY.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

When you’re an online panty vendor, or the kind of girl who has been indoctrinated into sexualizing herself for validation, money, entertainment purposes, I’m sure there are reasons a girl becomes a whore or a variation of a whore besides being molested as a child…it could just be as simple as the indoctrination methods of social media giving slutty behavior more views becasue we’re all perverts, could be the normalization of throat fucking porn, when watching porn used to be more secretive…

I’m not a fucking scientist, there’s just so many loosed moral exhibitionists out there that some are bound to post their full back panties as their panty of the day, to switch things up, to give the girlfriend experience,

I don’t fucking. know……but here’s a bunch of panty girls in their period granny panties…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Granny panties or Period Panties or Full Back Panties are making a comeback, because when you’ve gone as rogue as you can on the internet, with the most vile shit available, some domesticted, relationship underwear suddenly becomes hot..it’s like the reverse of a Mormon seeing an ankle, it’s more a heathen pervert seeing something wholesome that’s been shamed for a while, because there was a time women didn’t think they could wear full back underwear, despite men never caring about the panty, always willing to try to get into any panty possible, is really our mantra….but yeah, in that time period, the full back panty was unheard of, a relic of the past, so bringing it back and making it hot is a new challenge for ladies, and they seem to be succeeding at it….here’s the round-up.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I think my biggest regret in life was not setting up my “Used Panty Business” back in the late 90s when I had an actual hot chick willing to get involved….I have a feeling that would have opened so many doors now that I see so many girls selling their used panties…I was so close to being an innovator, a first mover…I had even found the panty supplier, the GLUE STICK and TUNA JUICE i was going to fake the whole thing with, you know because one girl can only use so many panties a week, and you want to be able to scale that shit…literally…I had big dreams for it..and now I am hear being taunted by late 90s style underwear which was the only underwear most girls at the time wore unless they were going out on the town….

I am old enough to know that it’s not about the panty cut, it’s about seeing the panty, and that’s all there is to it..

The whole granny panty, period panty, concept never phased me, I never bought into it but I guess I’m down to fuck gross girls doing gross things like bleeding out their pussies…

But I do know there were dudes who were like “thong only”….”bald pussy only”…and I called those dudes faggots…



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I can only assume the period panty, granny panty, mom panty, full back panty is making a comeback because bitches are lazy and realized comfort is key and dudes will jack off to anything.

They may be posturing it as being empowered to share their full back underwear with the world like it’s underwear and thus hot, you know why abuse yourself with a circulation cutting, pussy suffocating, asshole revealing thong…

Maybe they are brave and willing to risk the shame of wearing the most abused panty, and not from being ripped off and cummed on, by by being discredited in the world to sell more thongs….CRIMINAL…to think brands do clever shit, propaganda and marketing shit, to destroy a whole category of panties by saying “these are for old people, are you old…I didn’t think so…..you’re young, you’re hot, these are your glory years, have fun, buy thongs, make us rich…and only wear your mom’s underwear when you’re bleeding out your cunt…..

Or maybe they’ve done content with all their other panties….and are forced to dig through the archive because you can’t wear the same thing twice, except maybe panties, if you’re selling them to perverts in Japan…as they do..in which case, the more use and stains the better.



Posted in:Fullback Panty