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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

All panties are created equally to perverts who are into panties….

If anything, in a world of every girl being a slut on social media with her asshole out for her yearly Christmas message, because that’s what these degenerates are celebrated for…REDUCE THEM ALL TO THEIR PUBLIC SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTHOLES….

The dumpier the panty the more REAL it feels….and in this world of everything being fake as fuck, REAL is all people crave…

So why not get a bitch posing in her period panties that only her husband she doesn’t want to give boners to would normally see…you know fuck the GIRLFRIEND exprience, give me the WIFE after 25 years of marriage after the kids have all moved out and gone to college EXPERIENCE..


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

When living life as a man, the objective and motivation for everything that we do, is in attempts to get the motherfucker panties off….

Or maybe the less aggressive and triggering wording for the WOKE of you out there who apologize for being men or white, because you’re a fucking pussy….or worse a FAG…and not in a GAY fag way, but in a FAG way….I don’t care who cancels my favorite words…I don’t need to listen…and after 50 years of calling people fags…some cunts on twitter aren’t going to make me stop…BUT THAT ISN’T THE POINT…

Instead of saying trying to get the panties off, because TRIGGERING, METOO movement can’t get mad when you call it “TRYING TO GET INTO THE PANTIES”….

SO…getting panties off may be the motivation and we don’t care what they are in terms of style, fabric, cleanliness….THONGS, FULL BACKS, DIAPERS…whatever….will be rebranded as getting INTO those panties…so our perversion can hide in the closet and be spun into transgender things…



DON NOT MISGENDER ME….I want to be rich to get a sex change so I can get into panties..FOR MYSELF…



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t know why the header pic of the FULL BACK PANTY post looks like there could be a set of balls in them, but I am leaving it there because there’s a reason I randomly selected that possible tranny shit…and I guess it could be because people have been brainwashed into fucking tranny, it’s the least transphobic thing to do….don’t be a bigot..

The truth is the tranny in porn fascination goes way fucking back, because I worked in porn, on the lowest level of porn, but it was still porn enough to know the top selling titles were tranny…and that was 25 years ago..

I guess there’s a lot of dick loving dudes not willing to accept that they are fags, so they throw the dicks on chicks…

In other tranny news, I’ve been deep in the conspiracies and apparently all the celebs you know and love are actually tranny, and YOU have no idea because you’ve been marketed too properly….now I don’t know if Megan Fox is really a tranny, but SHE COULD BE.

This post isn’t about trannies, but it is about full back panties and their comeback, not all UNDERWEAR need to be thongs…but I guess full back panties would be the best kind of panty to have for a tranny…MORE ROOM TO TUCK IN…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are back…because women like to feel empowered over the dumbest shit. Like earlier today I saw some clip of a fashion designer bragging that they make the dress in size 0 – size 22…and since I’m not a homo fashion designer, I don’t really know how bit a size 22 is, but I do remember a size 12 or 14 being XXL back in the 90s, so….a size 22 sounds like a WALKING time bomb….

My theory is that if you make the clothing for the fat fucks, you’re normalizing fat fucks, and that’s hardly empowering, that’s just saying “DIE PREMATURELY PIG” because SCIENCE, and they want us to BELIEVE all science….says that being that big is disgusting….yet here we are EMPOWERING it…like some full back panties.

The fact is that dudes love all panties, just for what the represent, the barrier between pussy and pants…the seal we want to penetrate or at least have the opportunity to work around….

We never cared about full back panties, the whole GRANNY PANTY marketing deception that lasted 20 years….fucking weird that people fell for it, but people will put experimental medication that could kill their kids….into their kids…so there’s not too much hope for these people….

So yeah, I like all panties, and all panty activism, since I get to see panties…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

FULL BACK…is not bringing SEXY BACK but I guess in a way it is because those of us old enough to remember, FULL BACK was almost all we knew in everyday life, as the girls in the thongs and g-strings were strippers or in the movies, not in our basement watching incest porn with us, hoping it would get them eager to try that shit out on us…it was the 80s…things were different then…and incest porn wasn’t just a trend on the porn tubes, it was very real and I have the bootleg VHS to prove it…

Point being, where thr is a will there is a way and the resilient women once shamed into thongs has come around, empowered and ready to take on the patriarchy, saying “I’ll wear full back panties if I want to”….it’s the ARMPIT HAIR of UNDERWEAR….and I guess that’s not the worst thing to be in an era of armpit hair being confused for feminism like it was the 60s or France.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties were once called GRANNY PANTIES because propaganda works, they call it MARKETING….

If you’re an underwear company with stagnating sales, you need to come up with a new design, but a new design isn’t really going to sell itself, unless you DESTROY the foundation or everything EVERYONE ever believed about their underwear, so that they can rebuild the new panty trend properly….

You know there was a time when panties were just panties, no one fucking looked in the mirror or had a fucking breakdown of shame because they felt their panties were the wrong ones…

You know there were fights with parents over the THONG, when they slandered the FULL BACK PANTY into being the GRANNY PANTY no girl with any self respect would ever be allowed to wear.

That’s how marketing and propaganda works…and get them when they are young enough and impressionable enough to fucking brainwash them.

We’re at the point where FULL BACK panties needed to make a comeback, so they restyled them and made it ok to wear them when no on your period, which is why we’ve got these FULL back panties thanks to EMPOWERMENT and COURAGE and STRENGTH of the whores saying “NO, I will not only wear thongs”….

It’s all pretty stupid but it applies to ALL aspects of your life, so keep your eyes open fools….



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties aren’t just for old ladies and lazy girls on their period, they are also for sluts!

Don’t discriminate panties based on their shape and appearance, but rather the content of their character, by character I mean the hotness level of the girl in them…

Inspiring, I know…..the MLK of girls who get naked-ish on the internet.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties are panties too.

I don’t think there’s really a protest against full back panties anymore, not just because these girls are showing off their full back panties….but because at the level of perversion we are at in the world right now, everything goes…

I mean dudes are cutting their dicks off and putting other dicks inside their inverted dicks, like some kind of dick glove they are calling a vagine….THE PANTIES are the least of our concern…

But there was a time when the full back panty was shamed like a fat girl before the body shaming thing went viral, or I guess shamed like someone who is cancelled for making rape jokes on twitter, since people forget real life happens off of the internet..

Clearly, that time is no more, because bitches need underwear for content and that’s what’s going on here.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties representing a marketing war that targeted women who are probably in their late 30s – 40s now….

These corporations don’t give a fuck about you, about your prosperity, and they even own the governments that control you, tax you, and ALLOW them to put chemicals in your foods….I saw something about McDonalds or maybe it was all Fast Foods having actual plastic in the fo that peple are giving kids…the plastics linked to smaller BALLS bro…no joke…I heard it today…AVOID THE POISON…

So yeah, they told ladies that their panties weren’t good enough, weren’t hot enough, and you know they blamed white guys for that pressure they felt to make the right PANTY choice, you know you don’t want to get hit by a car and have the paramedic see you in period panties, so THONG UP LADIES….

A good old fashioned panty burn, that’ll make you panty lovers as angry as book lovers and freedom fighters at a book burn, you know SO MUCH potential panty soup could be made with all those full back panties….

But trust your overlords, they really care about you…or at least controlling you…from your bank accounts, to when you see your family, to where you can and can’t work, taxing you, charging you insane interest rates, you know all this societal norms that have nothing to do with actual humanity…it’s EVIL and if they come after your underwear, they could easily come after your kids, so keep those eyes open fool…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are a reminder of how effective propaganda works….if you’re open to seeing that you’re being manipulated by marketing…because you are.

They push their agenda in all the shit you are exposed to because people know you’re a fucking braindead shill they can manipulate, if you’re not they’ll destroy your soul, your beliefs, your core values…they will BREAK YOU DOWN…so that you join their bullshit….because people are too scared to PUSH back…

BUT I was always VERY clear on the lies, from BALD PUSSY to FAKE tits, I understood they were trying to create demand to sell product.

So when they turned their back on full back panties, when they dragged the full back panty through the mud, making it look like some fat chick had worn them for a solid 4 weeks cuz fat chicks had limited underwear options before the masses became fat…but yeah…they totally slammed and destroyed the FULL BACK PANTY…even naming it a FULL BACK PANTY…or a GRANNY PANTY…when we just knew them as PANTIES…and girls would consistently say “I hate that word, it’s slimey”….to which I’d say “take em off let’s make you slimey”….

You get what I am saying, full back panties are back, maybe they never fully left, and the idea that they were seen as less hot than they are….is just lunacy.



Posted in:Fullback Panty