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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties were once called GRANNY PANTIES because propaganda works, they call it MARKETING….

If you’re an underwear company with stagnating sales, you need to come up with a new design, but a new design isn’t really going to sell itself, unless you DESTROY the foundation or everything EVERYONE ever believed about their underwear, so that they can rebuild the new panty trend properly….

You know there was a time when panties were just panties, no one fucking looked in the mirror or had a fucking breakdown of shame because they felt their panties were the wrong ones…

You know there were fights with parents over the THONG, when they slandered the FULL BACK PANTY into being the GRANNY PANTY no girl with any self respect would ever be allowed to wear.

That’s how marketing and propaganda works…and get them when they are young enough and impressionable enough to fucking brainwash them.

We’re at the point where FULL BACK panties needed to make a comeback, so they restyled them and made it ok to wear them when no on your period, which is why we’ve got these FULL back panties thanks to EMPOWERMENT and COURAGE and STRENGTH of the whores saying “NO, I will not only wear thongs”….

It’s all pretty stupid but it applies to ALL aspects of your life, so keep your eyes open fools….


Posted in:Fullback Panty