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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I was just watching some Milgram Experiment footage randomly. I’ve seen the movie with a Skarsgaard and Winona Ryder, but it was an actual experiment…

Like the experiment where they manipulate people to stand while waiting, because other people are standing, it proves how dumb people actually are….they are drawn to follow the group….

So Milgram recruited people to shock people they didn’t know were actors, if they got answers to their questions wrong. Over 66% of people were willing to administer a FATAL shock after being reassured they wouldn’t get arrested ALL because they were being told to do it by a guy who seemed to be an authority….important to note….since this was before the internet conditioned everyone to be those people….

The studies say that most people will go against their own beliefs, even if they know they are right, to conform with the masses…that’s pretty depressing to think about but we’ve seen it happen.

This is no different than marketing, selling product people don’t need, it’s all part of the same flaw in the human character…or experience…

Not to mention, they can get authorities to tell you what they want all by paying them off….or promising them power….

So when I remember that full back panties, which have always been cute and hot on girls who wore them, provided the girls were cute and hot, saw a 20 year dip in popularity all thanks to marketing, because people are idiots and go along with it…

Like WAXING your bush, they called these GRANNY Panties, to de-sexualize them, and to make girls think they weren’t hot, even though they were their panties and OBVIOUSLY hot.

Like everything, they’ve come full circle, so girls are finally embracing the full back panties and I can’t get enough of them…cuz I’m all thonged out.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are being reclaimed, empowered because women as a collective are on a mission to be slutty on the internet cuz they like it, while they cry about men objectifying them, while they objectify themselves…THANK GOD FOR THAT…because I like this type of activism.

I don’t like the other kind of activism that’s been going on, it’s been pretty fucking misguided and idiotic, unless it’s protesting the lockdown measures while people want to get FREEDOMS back…as they should…

Which reminds me of these clips I’ve been seeing by that weird ass Don Lemon puppet on CNN….I wonder what kind of dirt the powers that be have on him…it must be really fucking bad because the “journalist” isn’t spreading facts, he’s spreading these ideologies and big emotional concepts with things like BLAME THE UNVACCINATED….

He is encouraging people to blame other citizens for COVID, when it was created in a fucking lab by one of the 80s year olds who runs your country….

As a gay black man, you’d think he’d have a different approach on encroaching on people’s personal freedoms, or forcing them to do basically anything because the powers that be say so…

I wonder where the gay movement would be if the powers that be wanted to kill them off, with a virus like AIDS…that if you ask ANY gay dude, they’ll say was created in a lab, but luckily FAUCI came to save the day with that one…

So the VACCINATED are getting sick…but don’t blame the vaccine, you can’t sue the manufacturer anyway, blame the unvaccinated who are just minding their own business..

If you’re vaccinated and you get COVID and end up dying of COVID like the 15% of COVID deaths which are the vaccinated, it’s not because the VACCINE worked…fools.

So this idiot is trying to spin some fucking weirdness to divide the SLAVE class from his castle on a hill, as he demands rules for people to get vaccinated….calling people who don’t get vaccinated call are ignorant and selfish…when the vaccine isn’t FDA approved and has side effects and doesn’t protect you from COVID….he is wishing death on the unvaccinated, they should starve, not work, die….

THAT IS CRAZY TALK…AND IF YOU are vaccinated you should be pretty mad about the lies you’ve been told the last year and a half….instead of believing them….

All this to say, I bet they have videos of him doing Slave/Plantation owner style role play, or some other racist shit that would get him destroyed….because these people lying to us are obviously on the fucking hook and trying to protect themselves…

Otherwise, they’d be asking questions about the inconsistencies about the virus, the vaccine, the PCR tests….


The truth is that I never hated on the full back panty, I didn’t subscribe to “Granny Panties” and I didn’t shame girls for not being in THONGS…I’m a dude and dudes like girls in panties…

So just because it’s a popular ideology, or concept at the time, doesn’t mean you HAVE to subscribe to it…..

MAKE up your own decision, do what makes sense for you, it’s not us VS them or vice versa…



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties, like Black People in America, are one of the most oppressed kind of panty….

I am sure comparing Black People to full back panties is a solid “you’re racist” for making light of this whole BLM bullshit that’s been going on the last few years….

The reality is, I just don’t subscribe to people crying about the past, I am a firm believer in working towards the future, and worrying about a system being inherently white supremacist just for existing, seems to shit on the stories and moments that got us here today….plus I think it’s just signaling that doesn’t actually help anyone, but creates division amongst everyone…

I think the Full Back Panties are the most oppressed panty, possibly due to the slave trade that made them, you know Panty companies found cheap slave labor overseas to make new panties for less money, that needed to be marketed aggressively enough for people to burn their existing panties to get their new panties….

The way they did this was shaming women, who I guess are weak minded and follow along with the trends, by saying “we can see your pantyline”….which I know that no dudes were shaming women over because every dude I know loved the pantyline….and they rebranded traditional panties as “Granny Panties” to pull all the SEX APPEAL of them being panties out of them, forcing girls to move onto the less effective thong.

Now, the activists out there are rebelling against what they call the PATRIARCHY, but that is really other women pressuring them to follow the leader, as they do….and they are doing the rebelling by being “empowered” about their panty choices…dumb, definitely…but that’s the world we live in….and here are those granny panties being hot cuz they’re panties..


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

We obviously know now more than ever that the members of society are fucking puppets who believe anything they are told….they are told to become activists so they become activists, they are told to become sex workers, so they become sex workers, they are told to wear masks and they wear masks…..they are brain washed and mind controlled…but I never had much hope for society and even in the 80s, I knew the mainstream were fucking suckers…who didn’t believe what they said they did, didn’t like what they said they did, but it was to keep up appearances since being different is so scary….

In one of the corporate tactics that is not nearly as dramatic as the authoritarian approach that’s going on right now….but that paved the way for all the group thinkers following each other off a fucking cliff…was the THONG….

They shamed the granny panty so hard you’d think it was a fat girl before they got empowered…

They made girls feel like shit for having a panty line….ALL TO SEE MORE PANTIES….to make MORE money…and in some cases to FUND Epstein….

The THONG funded Epstein.

Anyway, in girls getting into amateur sex work for money, cuz it’s fun and gives them a thrill, they’ve ironically made the full back panty a thing again, and here they are posing in them…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are back, not that they really went anywhere, any married dudes or dudes in relationships are well aware that even at the peak of the THONG’s success and popularity even with women who would complain about the THONG being abusive to their assholes and pussies….but wouldn’t caught dead in a pair of granny panties…not even on their period…just fucking two tampons in and hoping for not Toxic Shock Syndrome amputations….those in relationships or married were still forced to deal with the granny panty…oftentimes stained and disgusting ones that were never thrown out like they should have been because they were the last of the comfortable underwear owned and the idea of buying new Hanes Cotton bikini briefs was a fate worse than death….because women are idiots and don’t realize men don’t care, we just want the panties off..

So….now they are reclaiming the granny panty, it’s a fullback panty now…and they are empowered by embracing the sex appeal a granny panty can have because…you guessed it…they are panties…

It’s another one of these idiotic empowered things that never needed to be empowered….like breast feeding…the idea that breast feeding is cancelled when I’ve seen it consistently happen in countless public places…and encourage it…only for NO ONE to ever ask a bitch to put her tit away…but for some reason on TWITTER it’s a campaign….cuz people are bored….and feel their own shame or embarrassment but instead of saying “I’m shy to pull a tit out” or “I love the comfort of a granny panty, but people will make fun of me for it”….they make it a crisis…a bullshit fucking crisis…

Just stick to showing your panties….sluts..


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

For all the panties out there, I’ll assume there’s about 3-4 of you who accidentally ended up here, so at least 1 of you should have a panty fetish, since panties are hot, designed to give boners, because they are the sheath between you and the pussy, or the pussy sheath if you’re into sword weirdness which I am sure you probably are…because that’s just the demo I hit.

Full back panties are no longer stigmatized as granny panties, and these are girls letting you know how empowered and brave they are to not buy into the lies that were THONGS…at least not for this shoot…the panty selfie..


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I can imagine coming to this site is pretty fucking repetitive, but can you imagine how repetitive it is for me, I mean you don’t need to come here all day everyday and think up some shit to say about a bunch of girls posing in full back panties, week after week, figuring out a new joke about Granny Panties and the oppression they experienced when the THONG moved in and replaced them….basically bullying the GRANNY PANTY into thinking it was inadequate as women turned their back on them even though they knew deep in their souls how much more comfy they were…but sex appeal and fitting in is not about comfort man it’s about doing what everyone else is doing…and there was really NEVER any point to transition to THONG…but is there ever really any point to transition to anything, we’re fine how we are….and I guess with this empowerment, fuck men, everyone’s a lesbian on her period at all times thing….more and more full back panties are being worn proudly enough for the selfie…

As a man, I like seeing all panties…clean or dirty, stained or new, thong or full back…I’ll look and you should too.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Fullback Panties are back motherfuckers, not that they really went anywhere, but there was a time, probably 10 or more years ago, where girls would be wearing their thongs everyday, despite how uncomfortable, and really how shitty they were at being panties, the whole dental floss pulling up inside their assholes all fucking day, all so that if someone was to see their panties sticking out of their pants, they’d know that those girls aren’t no prudes….

The granny panty was alienated, oppressed, and they should be teaching that to kids in school, you know the panty that was seen as a second rate citizen because of thong supremacy, which was the biggest threat on comfort for women, only for the brave ones to reclaim the granny panty as their own….choose comfort, dude’s don’t care, we were sold a load of bullshit by a corporation, we bought into it, but we’re taking that back, and buying the same corporations other products that aren’t thongs, cuz we believe in the power of the fullback…

The only weird thing about the fullback comeback is that the bathing suits girls wear now are thongs…so as the bikini gets smaller….the underwear gets bigger…it’s a little backwards but I guess you gotta be the whore in public so strangers know you don’t fuck around…while panties are still what you wear under your clothing…or I guess in these selfies…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I am pretty easily manipulated by marketers because they are so good at getting into my head, I’ve just had the privilege of not having money to throw at all the new and exciting things trying to brain wash me like all the other vapid idiots out there….today I got rooked in by some portable air conditioner that I don’t need…other days I’m lured in by new alcohol products that I am sure aren’t as good as watered down rubbing alcohol…or ice packs….but this targeting ad shit works…

Other people, are even more manipulated by marketers than I am….they readjust their whole existence around what they are told by the media…whether that’s getting experimental drugs I like to bring up ALWAYS because it’s crazy…or whether it was women getting breast implants, or shaving their pussies bald….or throwing out perfectly good things, to replace with unnecessary new things….all that fast fashion shit where they buy new outfits when they have perfectly good old outfits…they just don’t want to wear the same outfit twice on social media where they preach about zero waste, plastics, the environment…it’s like bitch, your romper destroyed a fucking river in Asia and was made by a slave you daft bitch..

Anyway, Full Back Panties were a victim of marketing, where the underwear brands shat on them literally and figuratively, made wear women feel shame in wearing them, all while men didn’t give a fuck what panties were on, cuz we just wanted those panties off…

So I guess Full Back panties are a point of pride…or are a point of empowerment…now that they’ve been reduced to being the panty worn during periods..


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back pantie are a reminder that everyone is a fucking idiot who does what they are told…or at least women are….

It’s like tell a woman that their panties are out of style and frowned upon, and next thing you know, they’re out there replacing all their underwear for a thong for no reason other than marketing…

If the underwear company trying to sell me slutty cheaper panties for the same price by shaming full back panties and granny panties…no girl trying to be hot wants to be wearing granny panties…that’d be CRAZY talk…so they bust out the credit cards and stock up..

Obviously, that’s changed in the last few years, the full back panty is alive and well and no longer the granny panty, but never forget how dumb the women who fell for that lie are…they’ll fall for anything…hell…maybe they’ll even fall for fucking you…but I doubt it.


Posted in:Fullback Panty