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Archive for the Fullback Panty Category




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I love that we live in a world where people are willing to give up their rights and allow insane things to be pushed on them while getting tracked and followed by big tech….why don’t you make people like ZUCKERBERG more rich than he already is by continuing to use his platform because you’ve built your audience there and that’s where life happens on the internet….just bend over and let them decide what you can and can’t see or talk about and give them access to everything there is to know about a motherfucker, they feel like they’ve got their own audience in the people with horrible intentions for them and who view them as USERS, sucking off the system they built, like they are strictly there for profit and not because they are humans….

So you’ll take all these horrible shit against you and your family that will lead to a horrible ending….

But you’ll campaign for EMPOWERMENT by protesting dumb shit, like re-sexualizing a panty like GRANNY PANTIES…that were de-sexualized when the big corporations that control us needed more profit and had to sell new products to the fools….

We are the fools, but at least they have panty pics, cuz I like panties….just not wearing them to sneak into the woman’s changing room, yet luckily we live in a society where that’s all it takes to get into the woman’s changing room, because as a pervert that I am, I’ve spent 20 years trying to get into the woman’s changing room without getting kicked out…and FINALLY the woke has given me that gift…THANKS INCLUSIVITY…NOW LET’S SHOWER TOGETHER…assuming COVID measures that make no sense at gyms don’t have a SHOWER BAN…because some do….YOU CAN WORK OUT HERE, YOU JUST CAN’T SHOWER HERE, because SHOWERS lead to more COVID…INSANE..

WE live in a dumb world…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are panties too..

All panty lives matter…

Support the ladies who are brave enough, or just haven’t given up on the LIES that has been pushed on them to say that full back panties are any less relevant than any other panty, like there is a hierarchy to half nakedness, when we all know the hierarchy is DIRECTLY based on the woman’s hotness, not her underwear choice….

I never subscribed to granny panty degradations of panties…and I never cared if it was period panties…so long as I was pulling them off with my mouth and getting my period iron supplement in…you know…I can’t imagine anyone cared, or cares about a full back panty….but I know 20 years ago there was a FULL attack on them…nice to see the TRUTH surfaced and prevailed…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

How about some Full Back Panties…because we live in a world where girls like to post pics of their panties and in doing that they’ve decided it can’t always be thongs which for anyone who fucked girls in the last 20 years will know that there was a time when the full back panty was called GRANNY PANTIES or some shit…totally SLANDERED, ALIENATED, CENSORED, ALONE….but like anything the TRUTH RISES TO THE TOP because it’s on a higher frequency…cuz no one gives a fuck on panty design and if they do…they are faggots…we just care that they are panties..


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Girl’s have become masters of taking nude selfies.

I remember a time when getting a nude selfie was a shot in the fucking dark, you’d never know if you’d get a girl with creative vision who could figure out the pose, you know whether she was whorish enough, or whether she was capable of emulating the other girls in the media posing hot…..

It was literally a 50/50 chance the nude you’d help direct would turn out as expected….

But fast forward 20 years and holy shit, these bitches ALL know their angles….

It’s like the female species is adaptive, or adaptable, or committed to be the best masturbation material they can possibly be…and can even make full back panties, granny panties, period panties look hot….




Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Granny panties aren’t just for grannies anymore motherfuckers…the ladies of the world have decided that comfort is more important than buying into some bullshit about THONGS somehow being the hotter underwear of choice…they save the thongs for their bikinis..

Granny panties are just for periods and staying at home motherfuckers….the ladies of the world have decided that dudes are fucking perverts who will jerk off to anything, so the kind of panty doesn’t fucking matter, so you might as well just switch it up to never post the same panties twice on this CONTENT creation obsession people have thanks to NEVER having enough pictures of themselves.

The only funny thing in all that is that if you were to tell me before digital cameras existed that people would just stare at themselves in the mirror, or take pics of themselves all day, I’d believe you, cuz we’ve always been a self involved, narcissistic bunch….it was just a matter of making self produced smut normalzied before we could really see what ladies were willing to do with those cameras….

We all knew the nudes were on polaroids somewhere, and when digital happened, we knew the nudes were in the archives, but they’d be too shy to share it…

Now, we’ve got them so comfortable with the nudes, that they’re posting up granny panties…not even BOTHERING to get dressed up for the shoot, straight up “it’s sunday, I’m bored on the couch, here’s some half nudes INTERNET”….

What a fucking trip the internet has been!


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are a reminder that the evil Corporations who are heavily into making money…understand marketing, which you could argue is psychological warfare, but I guess when you got to college for Marketing, they don’t think calling it psychological warfare is really as nice of a name for that major, but they know that all the elements of marketing is psychological warfare…

So the panty vendors fear mongered that girls in full back panties, with panty lines to feel shame for their panty choices….when dudes, the end consumer of panties, at least in my case, cuz I’ll boil those shits making my own kind of panty soup…DO NOT CARE.

Men don’t care about the panty style, if there are panties, what the panties look like, we’re just happy to be there…

So all the women out there who shamed the fullback panties…calling them granny panties have decided to RECLAIM their feminism by wearing the panties THEY THEMSELVES shamed…

Fucking nuts.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

These fullback panties should be a reminder to all you fools out there of a very important thing….that is that fullback panties are hot…all panties are hot…girls are hot…therefore their underwear is also hot…pretty fucking simple logic right…

You’d think, at least when looking at these pics, that there was never a time that the fullback panty was ostracized, singled out, segregated, told they weren’t good enough, told they were a threat against hotness….all because of one thing…MARKETING.

What is marketing you ask? Well, it’s a division of the corporate dream that is designed to generate revenue.

How do they generate revenue through marketing you ask? Well, there are a few tactics they call the FOUR Ps….which are PRICE, PRODUCT, PLACE, PROMOTION.

What do they all mean you ask?

Well, price is that you have to price things appropriately for the product, to ensure that you’re making those profit margins you want, you have to develop or package the product in ways that make it worth that price, you need to distribute that product at that price to the right place where the buyers and lastly…you need to PROMOTE the fuck out of it….in order to get people to want to buy it…

How do they use promotion to create demand, well they USE propaganda tactics, PR, adveritsing, etc….


Because you fucking idiots fall for it..

Full back panties, always hot, told they are not hot, to sell bullshit people don’t want or need for profit.



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties were a victim of abuse. They were bullied by the big and evil corporations and told they were sub-panty, not as good as the other panties, and were thrown aside….not allowed to go to bars and restaurants, reserved for at home when on period to capture the blood…they were the bodily fluid grease trap panty…when the other panties, let’s call them the vaccinated panties, that complied with the powers that be…and were celebrated amongst the masses without even thinking for a second that they had a perfectly good granny panty at home…no way, those are for grannies and these girls are upwardly mobile, independent thinkers, raised on Sex and the City to not want that whole traditional family with meaning, but instead to fuck everyone they can like it’s an accomplishment…STRENGTH in numbers even if it is meaningless and hardly a challenge for girls to get fucked…ANY GIRL CAN GET FUCKED AT ANY TIME….but instead be a slave to career, live in your shit apartment…work…drink…but don’t wear full back panties…it’s a thong era…you fucking consumer puppet being brainwashed….and marketed to…

All this to say….full back panties are still panties…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I am living my life pretty blown away about everything going on all at the same time, but what it has come down to is that I have been a bit of a misanthrope for a long time, I think the site was more “society is so dumb, these are the reasons, lets laugh”…..at least that’s the vibe 17 years after doing this…it wasn’t a planned out thing..

But yeah, I always found it funny who people find hot, popular, interesting….I always found it funny when sites or brands would go viral….I would say “people are real fucking idiots”….because they are…

It never personally affected me, because I could live freely and laugh at the people scamming, the people buying into the scam, because I don’t care if YEEZY shoes sell a billion units, or that INSTAGRAM becomes life for all these avon ladies trying to feed their narcissism….so I could laugh at it all…

BUT to see these idiots think they are informed because they have an internet connection, meanwhile they are as DUMB as you’d expect, parroting bullshit….and it’s starting to RUIN our society…

ALL this to say….full back panties were branded granny panties…and the idiots went along with it…that’s not AS bad as society as a hold blindly trusting EVIL corporations….but it is a symptom of that….it’s a joke to people selling thongs..

THE FACT is….ALL panties are hot, we’ll look at all girls in panties, GRANNY panty or not..



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Some people like to have their smoothies for breakfast, you know a little green juice to get the nutrients they need in….while other people prefer just taking medicine for their health and wellness because believe the doctors…

Some people like to have a donut and a cup of coffee from their favorite chain, while others like some hipster pretentious cold brew match latte bullshit….

Some people like to have a cuppa tea….you know very British and regal like the QUEEN who wants to EAT your soul….

While I like to take a pair of random panties I find on the street that I’ll assume were from a consentual fuck and not a rape, due to the lack of blood, and STEEP that shit to power up my day….I CALL IT MY LIFE FORCE….the only issue is that there are never enough panties on the street to steep…so it’s more a concept than a reality….but the point is to say that I FUCKING LOVE PANTIES…they aren’t bikini bottoms, they aren’t naked ass, they are the barrier between me and a wonderful world of ass and pussy…

It’s like the gateway to the amusement park, the ticket booth if you will….it’s the standing outside the club before walking in to see your favorite stripper do her stage show…it’s CHIRSTMAS morning before unwrapping all the gifts…it’s a lick of the dick before the blowjob without a condom….

I don’t know what it is, but it leaves me wondering what is behind those pearly gates of panty….

So I was never against ANY style of panty, I’m not a queer like that, and I never thought the fullback panty was any less of a panty than the others. In fact, I believe in equity towards all panties, not that I know what equity is, I’m more into equality….EQUAL OPPORTUNITY panties, but equity is the catchphrase and I’m just trying to fit in..

So thong, shorts, full back, half back, quarter back panties alike….are all the underwear I like to see on a bitch…and no panty is any more important or any more sensual than the other panty…it’s the bitch in the panty that makes the panty better or worse…not the panty himself…yes…panties are boys…not that I believe in genders…I save traditional genders for those TRUMPERS….


Posted in:Fullback Panty