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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties for Memorial Day


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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

As a dude, at least I assume I am a dude, I wouldn’t be able to prove it if you asked me to pull my dick out, you know balls atrophy, dicks invert…shit happens when you drink tap water and processed foods….but I still consider myself a dude because I still sexualize women I assume are women and not dudes who got on hormones at 12 years old before puberty because their parents manipulated them into it without them realizing it cuz they were 12…but if you know trannies, at least not the street whore type, you’ll know they all had parents as excited for the clout of having such a progressive child than the child….if you know trannies, the street whore type, you have to laugh a little knowing that as dudes they’d watch sugar babies and whores of instagram and said “I want that for me”….like they literally cut their dicks off to be sugar babies…it’s weird…

This is not about trannies, it’s about my ability to like and appreciate all female panties, by being inclusive about panties, and eager for women to feel empowered by their panty choices, because granny panties, even when they weren’t hot, could still be hot…and that whole granny panties are bad shit was just brainwashing, marketing, designed to get your money ladies…if I dude really cares about your panties…it’s probably cuz he’d rather be wearing them than fucking them off you…something to keep in mind.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I like to pseudo intellectualize because I am not an intellectual….but figure let’s go high brow in our analysis of all the things we are exposed to….whether it’s from the socio-economic, strategic marketing, basic human psychological level…even though I have no idea what I am talking about….

I just know that there was a time when girls, even those I had sex with made a transition. It was a simpler time, so their transition wasn’t the transition you’d expect today, with the whole cutting their dicks off, but a transition where they all wore basic full back cotton panties in their day to day….and then they didn’t….

I don’t even think the THONG was a thing when I was in High School, maybe it was, but it was something for the magazine spreads, movies, or stripclubs…not the household panty of choice…the closest you’d get to a thong was a girl who didn’t like wearing any underwear…while everyone else was in full back panties…the norm…

Then all of a sudden, marketers told women thongs are hot, all the rage, and to burn their granny panties like they were revolutionaries of the 60s burning bras…and the majority of women did…which is why every 45 year old and younger had at least one or more decades of THONGS…where they’d shame the GRANNY panty…even though it was more comfortable…

All the while, dudes didn’t give a fuck, we were just trying to get them out of their panties…they could have been wearing a fucking adult diaper and we’d still be hard…but here these women were…all wedgied, with fabric like dental floss, digging into their cunts…all for some ILLUSION..

You’d have girls in sweatpants and thogns, at the gym in thongs…just GRANNY PANTIES didn’t exist…ALL for nothing…because people are sheep and do what they do because they think they are supposed to, without ever asking a dude “do you mind if I don’t wear thongs”….

These women are not in thongs, to remind us how dumb women used to be….and probably still are…but we’ll pretend that we’re all so much more aware, and empowered, and would never change our underwear because we were told to by a magazine, news outlet, celebrity, or influencers….but the truth is…ya’ll are all still follower fucks..and here’s some full back panties.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are the redheaded stepbrother, that’s the expression isn’t it? Maybe it’s the redheaded stepchild, I don’t fucking know…they are the back of the bus, the bottom of the barrel, the back of the laundry hamper, the forgotten and hated, designed for periods, or designed for fun but marketed for periods and lazy days to shit yourself in, instead of for the hotness that they are because they are still panties..and panties, for all men, are worth staring at, peeing on, jerking off on, you know…wearing as a face mask…stop discriminating against panties….not that I think anyone does…and that girls realize that there’s more to life than thongs…but there was a time when they tried to tell you a different storyline and the full back, marketed as the GRANNY panty, was the victim, the casualty, but has crawled out of the laundromat lost and found, and found new life as a hot panty….so here’s girls in the fullback panties…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

There’s not evidence that the devil lives amongst us stronger than the fact that FULL BACK panties were basically outlawed and abolished two decades ago like they were pirates….or worse….without ever asking dudes how they felt about it…they just fake news manipulated women through propaganda that I guess they call “Marketing”…brain washing them into thinking the old “GRANNY PANTY” was their mom’s underwear style of choice..while they were upwardly mobile, young professional, college aged sluts…who needed to abolish the panty and get it replaced by the thong…you know to make that fucking money off unsuspecting followers of trends who don’t have minds of her own…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Just the other day, I was talking to myself because I have no friends, probably on this website, when I did Asshole Behind Thongs about the scam that is the thong, a scam that targeted the granny panty and made it obsolete…as women shamed other women for not being on the trend of a skimpier panty-line-free option…that the manufacturers marketed at them hard…because they knew cost of materials were less but that with the right hype women would pay any price for them…all while replacing their entire panty collection of granny panties with THONGS…saving the Granny Panty for periods and chilling at home…what women will do for fashion…sex appeal…trends…idiots…because men don’t give a fuck about the panties you’re in, we’re trying to get in them anyway, soiled, oversized, shit stained and period filled our not, we will sniff them, rub our dicks on them with as much enthusiasm as if they were a thong..

Well these women are trying to reclaim the full back panty and I commend them and celebrate their bravery…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are not THONGS….but that doesn’t mean they aren’t equal to THONGS…in hotness at least provided the girl in the panties looks good…

I never subscribed to thongs being hotter than panties, in part because the thong tail is usually crusted up and biohazard material…you know cuz it barely covers a fucking asshole….and is just there as a drip pan for the cunt…

But yeah, dudes are followers and think “ewww granny panties”…because they have no minds of their own…but In the event you haven’t been on the internet, where they are screaming equality all day, when no one ever argued equality…but they like to think that we did…because that’s the agenda…pieces of shit, remain pieces of shit…oftentimes stuck on the thong…while hot asses remain hot asses which makes those pieces of shit irrelevant, you know turn a blind eye on those…

SO what matters is reclaiming GRANNY PANTIES….being empowered…and here that is.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties because all panties are worth of jerking off to, or jerking off on….since it is less about the panties being worn and more about the person in the panties and how she is posing with said panties….as no man has ever been turned off by full back panties, unless they are married to the woman in the fullback panties and being turned off is nothing to do with the panties, but everything to do with being bored of your wife who let herself go….or maybe if pickings are slim on tinder or whatever app you’re swiping on and you decide to jump the grenade and allow a nasty ass girl even YOU find vile to come over…only to see her period and shit stained underwear when you’re already in too deep…only to question why she’d come over in panties like that…making you realize that she looks disgusting because she is digusting….but other than that….full back panties are still panties…with nostalgia and need to be reclaimed from the GRANNY’s who appropriated them when the panty industry was trying to push thongs on people cuz they are cheaper to produce….it’s all SCAMS…commercialized consumerism scams!


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Since everyone is an activist whining about some bullshit injustice or some bullshit cause thanks to social media destroying people at their core…fully destroyed…now soulless consumers trying to buy into whatever they are sold….there are just too many potentially causes to get behind…

You may want to fight the climate like Greta, racism like who the fuck cares, sexism like who the fuck cares, trans rights like who the fuck cares…maybe you want to campaign for vaccines and lockdowns…or you’re more of an ALEX JONES type…either way ENDLESS campaigns to rally behind and show your solidarity for…I prefer apathy and ignorance…but that’s just me…..

There is however one thing I am passionate about…and that’s PANTIES….so I am here fighting for the rights of full back panties being seen as a sexy panty…after years of being degraded and marginalized like an undocumented worker because for whatever reason people chose THONGS…well the FULL BACK PANTY exists and it is a PANTY too….and these girls are sexualizing them rather than just using them as a back-up maxi pad for their period spills…



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties aren’t just for periods or herpes outbreaks…they are for magical weekends….because full back panties lives matter…full back panties are panties too….full back panties can look good….so don’t believe all the bullshit marketing they have shoved down your throat…we never cared that there were panty lines in your pants, we liked it…and trying to destroy that was a crime against humanity….so now that the granny panty is getting rebranded and women are choosing comfort…we can go back to celebrating full back panties like nature intended…instead of treating it like some dirty secret…that you are ashamed of….


Posted in:Fullback Panty