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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Granny panties aren’t just for grannies anymore motherfuckers…the ladies of the world have decided that comfort is more important than buying into some bullshit about THONGS somehow being the hotter underwear of choice…they save the thongs for their bikinis..

Granny panties are just for periods and staying at home motherfuckers….the ladies of the world have decided that dudes are fucking perverts who will jerk off to anything, so the kind of panty doesn’t fucking matter, so you might as well just switch it up to never post the same panties twice on this CONTENT creation obsession people have thanks to NEVER having enough pictures of themselves.

The only funny thing in all that is that if you were to tell me before digital cameras existed that people would just stare at themselves in the mirror, or take pics of themselves all day, I’d believe you, cuz we’ve always been a self involved, narcissistic bunch….it was just a matter of making self produced smut normalzied before we could really see what ladies were willing to do with those cameras….

We all knew the nudes were on polaroids somewhere, and when digital happened, we knew the nudes were in the archives, but they’d be too shy to share it…

Now, we’ve got them so comfortable with the nudes, that they’re posting up granny panties…not even BOTHERING to get dressed up for the shoot, straight up “it’s sunday, I’m bored on the couch, here’s some half nudes INTERNET”….

What a fucking trip the internet has been!

Posted in:Fullback Panty