I'll Make You Famous…




Christina Aguilera Panties of the Day

I don’t know if this is actually X-Tina getting DIRTY like it was 20 years ago…or if this is some wax figure of her, since her legs and stomach look a little too VAMPIRE GOTH white and not quite like actual skin…maybe it’s a shapewear leotard she’s trying to troll us with by sticking a bejewel where her belly button is…I DO NOT KNOW…but if those panties are as see through as they look, I’d expect to see more LABIA than NO LABIA….and who really cares…

She was my favorite of the popstars at least when she was on mute, I fucking hated her songs and that screeching kind of singing, but I did think she was hot…

It was a different era, where hot wasn’t really every girl in the world trying to be hot, trying to monetize, like it is now. I mean girls were pretty conservative back then, so seeing a racy pop star with her fake tits out on her tiny frame was always welcomed…keep in mind people used to jack off to music videos on MTV…I mean we were basically Amish virgins before a barn raising…

Anyway, I don’t know what the 40 year old is flashing us for, but WELCOME back from that sabbatical you jezebel you…

I am looking for more dignified words for whore, or slut, you know to class this place up a bit, since this smut is being produced by people worth 1000s of millions of dollars…they deserve better adjectives….like HUSSY, TROLLOP, VAMP…or we can stick with slut…I mean we can’t reinvent my 5th grade writing skills, old dog, new tricks…something X-Tina probably relates to.


Posted in:Christina Aguilera