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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Fullback Panties are back motherfuckers, not that they really went anywhere, but there was a time, probably 10 or more years ago, where girls would be wearing their thongs everyday, despite how uncomfortable, and really how shitty they were at being panties, the whole dental floss pulling up inside their assholes all fucking day, all so that if someone was to see their panties sticking out of their pants, they’d know that those girls aren’t no prudes….

The granny panty was alienated, oppressed, and they should be teaching that to kids in school, you know the panty that was seen as a second rate citizen because of thong supremacy, which was the biggest threat on comfort for women, only for the brave ones to reclaim the granny panty as their own….choose comfort, dude’s don’t care, we were sold a load of bullshit by a corporation, we bought into it, but we’re taking that back, and buying the same corporations other products that aren’t thongs, cuz we believe in the power of the fullback…

The only weird thing about the fullback comeback is that the bathing suits girls wear now are thongs…so as the bikini gets smaller….the underwear gets bigger…it’s a little backwards but I guess you gotta be the whore in public so strangers know you don’t fuck around…while panties are still what you wear under your clothing…or I guess in these selfies…

Posted in:Fullback Panty