I'll Make You Famous…




Dove Cameron Side Boob of the Day

Dove Cameron Side Boob

I don’t know who Dove Cameron is, I just know she doesn’t make the best case for debunking Hollywood conspiracies we’ve heard..

Dove Cameron creeps me the fuck out and not just because all of the work she’s had done to her face to look as close to a cartoon character as possible, you know, kids these days…all trying to be fucking muppets..

She creeps me out because I’ve done some reading on mind control of child stars in the evil entertainment industry, which has been blown off as conspiracy theories, but if you have a brain and have seen how the last year has unfolded, where the conspiracy theorists are the sane and researched ones, you have to assume there’s a master plan by a powerful industry to push whatever they want on the population with their army of “talent” that delivers it…

Her instagram is dark and mysterious and in an uncomfortable way, not a hot way….she’s had parents die, she’s changed her name, so she has her alter-ego, and she’s consistently puts out shit that you could misconstrue as symbolism….

Whether she’s mind controlled or not, she’s definitely handled by her team….and in pushing the latest agenda, she’s now queer and has always been queer, you know cuz if everyone is queer, just pussy eating perverts, they’ll be too busy fucking everyone to have meaningful relationships with any depth or collaboration…it’s a we’re in it alone and we fuck anything and everything cuz it feels good on our empty souls….

It’s a crazy world out there and here’s her side tits..


Posted in:Dove Cameron