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Archive for the Dove Cameron Category




Dove Cameron in a Titty Top Trying to Give Boners of the Day

She seems like she’s so medicated that accidentally drinking her piss would make you happier than normal piss drinking does, which I guess would be hard to gaughe….

She’s the anti depressant cum shot…SQUIRT

I can’t make a comedic blog post about such a sensitive and tragic topic as someone’s suicide,

Humor, especially related to sensitive topics like suicide or someone’s sexual orientation, needs to be handled with care to avoid causing harm or distress.

Making light of someone’s real-life tragedy, especially something as sensitive as suicide, isn’t appropriate.

Dove Cameron has openly discussed her father’s suicide and the impact it had on her life, which includes the revelation of his struggles with his sexuality. This is a matter that requires sensitivity and respect, not humor.

Just kidding…

Dark Disney kid with a dad who killed himself because he was gay or dying of AIDS, not that AIDS is real….you’re gayer than Dove Cameron’s dad while killing himself for being gay….the ultimate in gay bashing I guess…..if you’re anti-suicide jokes or anti gay jokes…or while we’re at it…anti-rape jokes….

There was an era where mainstream people made dead baby jokes, now they just call that feminists getting abortions.

Her dad’s so gay he killed himself for being gay and

The good news is the ghost of her dad is not jerking off to his daughter’s slutty tits like other creepy stage dads or ONLYFANS dads, you know making the daughters work for their dad’s boners….because this dad is dead and his ghost is more into cock. Which could be the real root of her problems..

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron’s Back Tattoo for her Birthday of the Day

It really important news, Dove Cameron (not her real name) posted a series of topless pics on instagram because apparently it’s her birthday. The topless pics aren’t the kind you’d want, you know with nipples, but they do show off her cheesy tattoos in an era where no one even gets tattoos and it’s almost ironic to get tattoos, unless you’re a die hard who won’t let go of the tattoo dream, unable to accept that the marking up your body in the dumbest of way is over, because you love the feeling of the process, it reminds you of cutting yourself because you’re a damaged freakshow…

Dove Cameron creeps me out, not just because of her tats or even the muppet lookin face injections, but that’s part of it…….but she’s hot and damaged looking enough to make you think she’s crazy and we all know what they say about crazy girls. They are fun and terrifying all at the same time.

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron’s Titty Grab of the Day

I may not really know or give a shit about Dove Cameron, but she’s a popular person within the entertainment industry, whether created in a basement lab at Disney or human trafficked her way to kids TV…I don’t fucking know…but she’s here.

She has a little dark and not really mysterious vibe to her, it’s like she’s dead on the inside and has very little too offer in terms of personality or depth, but she does have tits….probably not real tits and thanks to those tits, or that adjustment or enhancement to her life, she has been using the tits in content pieces as girls with tits do.

She recently had her tit grabbed and if that’s not as newsworthy as Aliens in Miami or Epstein’s list of people we already knew…then we’re not living in the RIGHT news cycle for me.

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron’s Cleavage of the Day

Dove Cameron is some child star who was a victim of trauma based mind control because her dad got killed off months before she became famous, so we can assume that was her sacrifice for this celebrity with millions of followers life she lives.

I find her creepy, dark, soulless but I know nothing about her, she could be a really sweet and kind girl who gives back to the world by sending money to dying AIDS babies in Africa or some shit, but just gives off those angry and suicidal goth vibes as part of her artistic vision.

I don’t mind looking at her tits she’s pulled out, all round, all the time….but I’ll look at any tit, no matter what percentage of the tit is exposed…especially when hanging next to the trash can you can dispose the body in….I mean, if that’s your fetish…SEX POSITIVITY…who are we to judge your serial killer fetish….

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron’s Showing Some Nipple Being a Goth Girlfriend of the Day

Dove Cameron is so dark and mysterious as she takes on this role of being some Goth Girlfriend on the internet for her millions of fans. Posing with a black cat like she’s a witch in the coven, which for some reason all these young girls of the internet identify as being part of, like dudes who think they are Ryan Gosling in drive, or American Psycho Christian Bale when really they are hardly the 90 pound Christian Bale in the Machinist, you’ve seen the memes.

I guess in a world of antidepressant pushing depressing everything, even when these people are millionares, all skinny and hot thanks to plastic surgery they can afford, in designer clothes they can afford by get for free, they get the sads…giving normal girls no hope….INSPIRING….

The good news is her tits half hanging out of her bra top, and you can see nipple discoloration, always fun for the perverts out there who see goth girls as damaged girls they may not be able to save, but that they can probably cum inside because they hate life and thus can’t get pregnant….and if they do, they jump at the chance to kill the baby as part of their witchcraft….

The better news is that Dove is probably a victim of Trauma Based Mind control which is what you want out of a child star turned adult, thanks to her dad having killed himself in October 2011, right before her hit show with Disney was launched in 2012….funny how that happens so often for people in the limelight…parent dies, they get hugely famous..rather than turn into a orphan begging for porridge on the streets….and by porridge I mean dick to suck in exchange for money.

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron’s Leg Up, Tits Out of the Day

Here’s a little Dove Cameron, broken Disney kid who seems depressing or broken on some levels of trauma based mind control, but who has fake tits and we may hate fake tits in a world where everything is fake and we’re dealing with the tit through the screen, who really fucking cares…

She’s got her leg up like your friend who liked to light his farts on fire at the parties in high School, which I should probably see more as a leg up to take the dick because her pants have a pencil sized hole in the crotch for my dick, since that’s also a move, but lighting farts on fire is less hot and that’s what I do here…ruin everything.

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Allegedly Dove Cameron Nudes of the Day

It’s times like this that I wish I lived in Russia, I mean I always wish that I lived in Russia, mainly because of the hot women, the cool dress code and cars and really the whole communism…or aftershock of communism….because when you’re based in Russia and the celebrities come after you for posting their leaked nudes, that they probably leaked themselves, showcasing their fake titty, you can just let them try to find you in your vodka soaked stupor…and laugh at their lawyer letters in peace…

Her name is apparently Dove Cameron, she’s a Disney chick and there’s no real evidence this is her and her fake tits, but it seems like it’s a right of passage for these girls to release the nudes and we like nudes, even when they don’t have a celebrity tie in….because nudity is fun!


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Try Hard Dove Cameron’s Freakish Goth Face with No Eyebrows of the Day

We get it Dove Camerons, you’re some dark and edgy rich kid from the Disney Channel, who was likely put through some pretty abusive shit in her career as a rich kid from Disney living out her mom’s dreams, assuming she’s not from one of their subterranean cloning labs, which I don’t.

Now she’s all gothic and rock and roll, maybe even satanic and looking like some kind of demon out of a horror movie, or just some alien whore from a Sci-Fi movie, just human enough to not feel like you’re dick’s going to get eating off by her alien cunt…

All black haired and weird platform boot, with a tit hanging out of a bikini top, with no eyebroes and what looks like some KLINGON forehead prosthetic, which obviously you TREK nerds that I know exist will probably cum all over your gamer chairs because pathetic, virgin, almost kissed a girl once, it’s not your fault, it’s AUTISM…

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Panty Flash of the Day

Dove Cameron is a big star who gives off “broken rich girl destroyed by the industry” vibes…..from her gay father being killed off…to her career as a child star who had her weird looking co-star boyfriend killed off…it’s almost like she’s textbook for mind control or trauma based mind control so that she keeps on earning for her handlers…

Her goth, cutter with mental health issues vibe is one that I don’t find hot in a world of everyone having mental health issues, but it is a fun take on child star turned fake bad girl, with all this damage, while having no real substance or experience outside of her coddled and babysat realm to really have the character building experiences people with actual problems have….

But none of that takes away from her weird selfie panty flash content, all intense and weird, since even rich girls from the industry can be fucking wack-a-doodle nutcases too!

Here’s to weird celebs taking slutty upskirt selfies.


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Titty Shadow of the Day

Dove Cameron may be a weird child star that seems like she’s a victim of trauma based mind control, or at least the abuse from a weird industry that gets them put on all the anti-depressants they can with their bullshit mental health diagnosis despite mental health being a fucking myth…..

What I am saying is that she looks like a teen cutter who works at the Dairy Queen, where she shows off her scars like they are trophies and at night she runs a tumblr where she posts up poetry and pictures of demons…you know an all around happy girl…

Luckily, her artistry and whoredom have united with this slutty selife, that’s really just a perky tit shadow, but that’s a perky tit and a skinny waste shadow, which you could pretty much jack off to and that’s fucking interesting…isn’t it…


Posted in:Dove Cameron