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Archive for the Dove Cameron Category




Dove Cameron Cleavage of the Day

Dove Cameron just reminded me of a story I saw about Demi Lovato apparently calling her fans and followers out and telling them to produce porn.

I tried to find the actual quote from her, but it’s a meme that’s circulating, so it could be alie, but I will say that she’s another Disney kid who is pushing the evil agenda of indoctrinating young girls into a weird sexual, transgender, heroin using and abusing and overdosing life…these people are fucked.

I realize that Dove Cameron is not Demi Lovato, but they’re all cut from the same cloth, exploited by their parents as kid, paid a lot of money, trained to do what they are told to do, designed to push smut on kids that they don’t need, whether it’s shitty entertainment products, or actual products, I don’t fucking know…they are pitch men with vaginas…although Demi Lovato’s vagina is questionable…her existence is the foundation of celebrity….

Dove Cameron creeps me out as much as Demi Lovato does, but at least she’s made herself hotter with her face injections, because she was a bit of a troll when she was younger, all while Lovato has made herself weirder, maybe it’s the brain damage from the drug overdose that should have got her exiled, but instead, they want to normalize drug overdoses cuz they want you having drug overdoses….

Obviously, both are shells of humans and both are designed to lie to young people about whatever they are told to lie about to push whatever they are pushing…

So fuck em all….while staring at their tits…I mean this one’s got some tits…


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Erotica of the Day

Dove Cameron, who is not actually named Dove Cameron, but the character they created is named Dove Cameron after they sacrificed her father, as they do, so that she can follow her dreams of being some industry puppet.

I recently saw something about the evil MOUSE EAR corporation who basically own the media and who basically brainwash the kids at a young age through their happiest place on earth lie, releasing some new series about demons and witches, to remind everyone that they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore….but that’s a whole other story.

This story is about Dove Cameron, who is now being sexualized because she’s older now, and that’s how they maintain their fanbase, make them think they are edgy and not family programming, because sex is our distraction, everyone’s into it….and sitting at home masturbating all day is all part of the plan…

I am not against these starlets being sexualized, it’s just the way they do it, to ensure that young fans follow suit, to create the vapid and disgusting society we have today.

Here she is sucking fingers, like a sex worker, and holding cured meat like the hooker I once hired named Terry who told me about a judge that used to hire her when his wife was at some weekly meet-up with her friends, who would make her fuck him with cured meat….a memory I’ll probably never forget because I didn’t realize people did that kind of thing at the time…to which she said “The richer, the more powerful they are, they fucking weirder”….wise words Terry, I hope you’re not dead of a drug overdose, although you probably are since that was 30 fucking years ago….

The world…has been fucked forever….


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Pussy Print of the Day

Dove Cameron is a hugely famous Disney Star….that I’ve only found out about in recent years because she creeps me out on her social media with her posts that seem depressing and suicidal. Her vibe just creeps me out, like she’s in captivity or a slave, I don’t know, maybe I read too much into this shit when really I should just accept that big companies make money off these people and that’s the extent of that…

Anyway, she was famous on Disney long after I would have known who any of these Disney kids were from being on Disney. Social media made Disney obsolete bu, I mean not really, they own everything and are the most powerful entertainment company and they are probably the biggest shareholders in the social media platforms, but you know what I mean….in the 2000s, every famous media fodder twenty something in the tabloids was from Disney….now they are all from social media….and being on Disney just helps that follower count reach stupid levels, while giving the people behind the scenes a vehicle to reach and market to a bunch of people using the talent they cultivated.

POINT BEING, the Disney kid, who I assume takes herself seriously as an entertainer, is now posting underwear selfies on her social media, in what would have been frowned upon a decade ago, I mean a lingerie selfie was some of the most hardcore selfies you could get from a girl you were sexting, oh how times are a changing, and not necessarily for the better, because you have to ask yourself why they are using all these girls to get naked, to sexualize themselves, to inspire other girls to sexualize themselves, like pornstars aren’t just a took for jerking off, they are the new idols…fucking weird….


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Topless of the Day

You may not remember this because the site is insignificant, in part by design, because they less people see you the more bullshit you can spew without having them show up to your door in a van ready to kill you off…

However, there was a time when I had an altercation with Jake Gyllenhaal locally, and he was a huge fucking pussy about it, he even pushed the girl I was fucking at the time, all because I said “aren’t you the guy who killed Heath Ledger”….as he was dancing on a table like a little club slut…despite being an actor everyone knew was in the fucking restaurant, but that wasn’t enough for insecure loser Jake…he had to make a spectacle of himself for people to really know he was there…

Anyway, the long story short is that Disney was putting out Prince of Persia at the time, so it was a big deal to clean up and spin the story, which his legal team did…they made sure that the story got killed, that drunkenstepfather wasn’t mentioned in the story and that they had no mud on the face because their actor was a fucking cunt…this was over 10 years ago now…

So when people talk about the conspiracy that is Disney, I know that they are right…that multi billion dollar company is run by very smart people and they own everything, they own the fucking media…from VICE for the WOKE losers who think they are hip….to everything….

Anyway…Dove Cameron is one of the Disney produced kids who is now 25, they have too much invested in her, she owes too much to Disney, so everything you see her putting out is put out intentionally, as a distraction or to drive kids that follow her into thinking she’s like them, or edgier than a puppet Disney kid with it’s perpetual medicated smile…

I have a belief that there is no real reason she’d do anything independent, or at her own will, it’s some puppet continued shit…

So you have to wonder why Disney wants their own to be topless, in pantyhose, rocking a face injected and updated face, unless it was to perpetuate and push sexualizing oneself onto the world….

There was a time celebrities didn’t post thot clickbait, it was easier to update the site cuz nothing was going on daily, now we are BURIED in it…

The good news is that I’m a pervert and into this narrative, I just don’t trust where it is going!


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Hard Nipples of the Day

Dove Cameron is one of those Disney Kids who was basically sold to the industry by her parents or parent, her dad was “killed himself”, for being some tormented closet case pussy, which is the storyline I don’t buy into, because I know gay dudes, I’ve known gay dudes since the 80s, and I even know gay dudes who have killed themselves, or had drug overdoses dealing with their demons, but that was because they were molested as kids, not because they were gay…..meaning, if you’re killing yourself because you’re scared to be gay in a world that celebrates gay…is a lot of bullshit I won’t buy into ever….but keep on pushing the story…

In being part of the system, she probably promotes the COVID shot, her bio is STOP ASIAN HATE because Disney fucking loves Chinese money and Chinese audiences, so run with it….she’s got Black Lives Matter in her bio too…because you can’t stop asian hate without promoting a fucking fascist charity that exploits black people to divide the country….and MOST importantly…she’s got her PRONOUNS in her bio and she is a SHE…and a HER….just so you’re clear…

I know it’s hard to determine she’s a she and her when she’s had her face totally altered like a Kardashian, new nose, lips, eyes, cheeks, bitch looks like a TRANS…liek they all do…all part of the plan…but at least she’s got tits to stare at and to ignore the fucked up nature of all that other shit going on….


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Upskirt of the Day

Dove Cameron’s a Disney kid sacrifice to the demons that run Hollywood, which is probably why her pictures are always fucking creepy, but I guess if you look at any celebrity with the context that they are soulless puppets working for handlers and an evil agenda, all their attention seeking content becomes creepy…especially when it’s child stars….a 20 year old starlet selling her soul is far less depressing as kids being forced into this shit by evil fucking people who are their “parents”….

There’s a level of darkness and weirdness around this one, and not just because she’s mangled her face with face injections, but because all of her pictures on her instagram feed look fucking medicated and suicidal…but I guess an industry can destroy a bitch…and I’ll stare at her legs in some very high heels cuz I am a pervert and don’t care about these people’s personal demons…



Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Tit of the Day

Dove Cameron nipple didn’t make the cut on this picture which is a little tragic, I mean probably not as tragic as Dove Cameron’s existence in becoming a puppet to the industry, one that involved changing her identity, creating a persona, killing off her boyfriend and her gay father, only to leave her weird, alone, controlled with someone to drive her to all her face injection appoitments because ALL WOMEN MUST LOOK LIKE KARDASHIANS…

I don’t know much about her, I just feel creeped out every picture that I’ve seen, it’s like she’s got no soul, but I’d argue that no one has a soul anymore, all these kids on all their pills, recreationally turning themselves into zombies, not enlightened and interesting activists, just a pile of degenerate fucks…

Anyway, I don’t really know hy the nipple would be edited out, are they trying to keep her G-Rated for the youth, because you know if they told her to stick a hamster in her ass like she was gifted Richard Gere’s habitrail….she’d do it…that’s all part of the program….

What I am trying to say is that we don’t need “X” like some straight edge losers at a punk show, we need it removed….but I guess they like censoring the truth, those evil doers who run the world….


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Hot Tub Party of the Day

I don’t use social media, I hate that pretentious narcissistic bullshit of people trying to show off or brag, whether it’s hot girls proving how hot they are, or dudes proving how cool they are, I don’t buy it, because to be a girl proving how hot you are, or a dude proving how cool you are, trying to bait as many people to follow you as possible, you’re by definition a liar…a fake…a phoney…and an embarrassing piece of shit…

Unless you’re a celebrity, trying to integrate with your fans in an interesting and modern way, knowing people want to see the “real you”…even if there is no real you…you can create one on social media like a character in a movie…since none of these people have real identities….I don’t think you should be on social media…

It is ruining our society with all these idiots trying to get clout, relying on likes, confusing likes with “cool”….instead of just living life and being cool.

That said, Dove Cameron is a weirdo Disney Kid, who creeps me out of Social Media…who has rebuilt her face for social media…and who is a huge fucking star on social media thanks to being a huge star on Disney before social media….

She’s posting some bikini pics with her girls, you know just sharing what they are up to and not producing smut for you to get excited to, since half nudes get more likes than her other weird cryptic shit….and it’s all about the likes…so keep up the bikini pics…even if they seem weirdly medicated…

I mean, she’s out of focus, hiding her weird face, but check that body…in weird vibe bikini pics I don’t really understand…but her whole instagram is weird.


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Bra of the Day

Dove Cameron’s a Disney kid which is creepy it its own right, not necessarily because of the creepy executives at Disney, those are just rumors and conspiracies, stop being mean to family friendly corporations that own everything and call themselves the happiest place on earth in some weird fucking dystopian world filled with furries in cartoon character costumes….Disney is terrifying and they get these kids in when they are young…and not just the ones they use on their shows, but ALL kids who get fed this shit by their shitty parents who don’t bother raising their kids anymore, it’s too much effort….let them become their own person on the internet and with the ipad…you dumb fucks with no souls…

Dove Cameron is a Disney kid, which is creepy in its own right, because her parents were even worse than the shitty parents who put their kids in front of the TV, because they sell the kids’ existence to the industry for money…fuck your childhood, make us money…and that’s gotta fuck a bitch up, which could be why all of Dove Cameron’s posts creep me out….but this one freaks me out for other reasons…

The face filter, that’s become common practice and overused, every bitch trying to be hotter with a filter….and all it does is make her look like the CARTOON VERSION of herself that she probably is…

The good news BRA TOPS! Who cares about all the other shit, we’re all commodities, so show us them tits. People may not grasp much as society crumbles, but at least they know that showing tits is popular, so they all have to do it to exist….and I like that kind of fall of society where everyone becomes a fucking heathen for profit…it’s entertaining….more entertaining than any of her acting gigs I am sure.

Here’s her bra again….but different…

Dove Cameron Bra


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Topless of the Day

I don’t really understand Dove Cameron or why I find her creepy as shit, but it probably has to do with her social media presence that is weird as shit…but at least she posts some topless selfies with a top of her booty to give the fans the boners they deserve, or the boners they’ve probably had for far too long of her career since she started when she was a kid…

I have always thought the child stars are fucking weird, messed up, victims of some kind of abuse…robbing your kid of their youth to put them to work is fucking mental to me….and seeing the Britney Spears conservatorship hearing that’s going on today…which I saw a bit of is pretty depressing as her career has been since her evil parents held her captive for her money…making her a fucking slave so they can all live amazingly off the empire…you know white trash shit….give the kid away for a goat, only their goat is superstar level money….

I have been consistent in my support of Britney and really all child stars who ended up losing their fucking minds or were marketed that way to give the evil people around them more power..

I don’t know Dove Cameron’s story, but I know she’s a fucking weirdo…not her fault…but at least she is topless…we all got problems, we can’t focus on those, when we’re trying to sexualize them,,,,focus on the toplessness…


Posted in:Dove Cameron