I'll Make You Famous…




Dove Cameron Bra of the Day

Dove Cameron’s a Disney kid which is creepy it its own right, not necessarily because of the creepy executives at Disney, those are just rumors and conspiracies, stop being mean to family friendly corporations that own everything and call themselves the happiest place on earth in some weird fucking dystopian world filled with furries in cartoon character costumes….Disney is terrifying and they get these kids in when they are young…and not just the ones they use on their shows, but ALL kids who get fed this shit by their shitty parents who don’t bother raising their kids anymore, it’s too much effort….let them become their own person on the internet and with the ipad…you dumb fucks with no souls…

Dove Cameron is a Disney kid, which is creepy in its own right, because her parents were even worse than the shitty parents who put their kids in front of the TV, because they sell the kids’ existence to the industry for money…fuck your childhood, make us money…and that’s gotta fuck a bitch up, which could be why all of Dove Cameron’s posts creep me out….but this one freaks me out for other reasons…

The face filter, that’s become common practice and overused, every bitch trying to be hotter with a filter….and all it does is make her look like the CARTOON VERSION of herself that she probably is…

The good news BRA TOPS! Who cares about all the other shit, we’re all commodities, so show us them tits. People may not grasp much as society crumbles, but at least they know that showing tits is popular, so they all have to do it to exist….and I like that kind of fall of society where everyone becomes a fucking heathen for profit…it’s entertaining….more entertaining than any of her acting gigs I am sure.

Here’s her bra again….but different…

Dove Cameron Bra


Posted in:Dove Cameron