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Archive for the Dove Cameron Category




Dove Cameron Tits of the Day

Dove Cameron, who I guess is a Disney Kid turned grown up, creeps me the fuck out because she reminds me of a demon in horror movie….either ready to kill herself or someone in her immediate surroundings. Its’ a dark cloud and I can’t figure it out, but I don’t spend time trying to figure out Dove Cameron…I hardly know who she is.

I just don’t know if she has a soul, but if she does it’s definitely not shining through in any pics I’ve ever seem of her.

I almost think that she’s not even a real person, just an AI model like Britney Spears….

I don’t really know what she’s famous for, but she’s really fucking famous and I’m really only interested in her dead eyes doing racy things like wearing what look like plastic shirts, that have titty shine through….because you don’t need a soul, or to be human, or really to have any sort of personality besides “sex robot” for me to appreciate that.


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron in Pink Posing with Robots of the Day

If they dystopian future terrifies you, knowing that you’ll be living in pods, eating bugs, basically restricted in your movement, given social credit tokens you can use to buy porn or junk food for good behavior, policed by those boston robotics dogs people think are so cute because they haven’t realized they are being built to turn on them, while the elite live in their palaces, able to travel the world to all the great places that are no longer populated by us, the slave class…

Well, here’s Dove Cameron, who is a creepy Disney kid I assume is human trafficked or mind controlled, because she consistently creeps me out, even if she’s skinny in her tight pink dress, tits pushed up and face looking like it wants to eat your soul……posing with a delivery robot….the future is now motherfucker…RUN….go OFF grid….BUNKER yourself…or stare at tits on screen mindlessly while everything around you collapses…

Either way, babes and robots, nerd shit….

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Nipple of the Day

The internet says that this is a Dove Cameron nipple slip….I don’t see the nipple, but I also don’t really know who Dove Cameron is, other than super fucking famous, from some Disney-type shit, working in movies, tv and in music, releasing albums and touring and shit to get money from every angle, which I guess is knowing way more about Dove Cameron that I should, but I guess I am just a prisoner to the celebrity blog realm posting the relevants of the era doing their sluttiest work to get attention, to branch out from some candy-coated boring ass shit so the fans don’t turn on them, like getting topless in photoshoots where shadows are called nipples….boring.


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Creeps me Out of the Day

Dove Cameron or Chloe Celeste Hosterman is some Disney kid who has 45 million followers even though most people have no idea who she is, which I guess doesn’t really matter, when 45 million people on social media do who know she is.

I’ve seen her random weird gothic, moody, emotionally unstable, freakish sad girl content for a while now and it always reminds me of the Suicide Hotline she probably never calls, but acts like she’s about to call…..

You know she’s part of the agenda pushing to bring kids down and not bring them up, posting shit like her crying with rants about her identity vs self, like a typical lost sold to the industry puppet who is handled and controlled, confused and depressing, in part becasue they killed off her dad when she was 15 so they could really trauma based mind control her….

These are a couple of pictures she posted of herself that are freaking me out….so I figured I’d post them here to freak you out….because young owned starlets in their weird outfits can be dark and weird, but they still have TITTY….

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Bra of the Day

Dove Cameron creeps me out, more now that I saw she wore a bra top that may not be this bra top, but another bra top to hang with Alan Cummings, who may be the devil himself, because he looks that way and he had to get a career as lucrative as his by doing some kind of goat sacrifices at the weird elite sex parties, it’s the only thing that makes sense!

IT would make sense since Dove Cameron is this weird industry creation that brings her depression and weirdness to her social media, low frequency shit, from boyfriends and father’s being sacrificed for her fame, but you probably wouldn’t want being the downer energy your kids looked up to, but that the system wants your kids looking up to, so they have downer energy too!

There was a time when things were less depressing, but at least she’s in a bra, I guess


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Nude Selfie of the Day

Dove Cameron is some freakish super famous child star who I guess came out of Disney, which isn’t rally saying much, since Disney owns basically every media company out here, so anyone who works is working for Disney, but either ways, she’s a dark energy that seems like she’s suicidal most of the time, convenient, since her dad apparently off-ed himself too, you know, happy uplifting talent needed to keep the kids on their SSRIs!

Her captions are weird, her photos are weird, and her NUDES are clearly pretty fucking weird!

Maybe she thinks this is high concept, the bouquet in focus with her out of focus in the reflection, but it reminds me of something I’d buy at the flea market to put on the wall in my trailer park home, you know classy for trash, not that trailer parks are trash anymore, all the Gen Z kids are living in 100,000 dollar vans, it’s the future or whatever!

Anyway, the point of the story is that this is some backpages caliber escort agency website nude, but she is nude, you can’t see bush or pussy lips or any of that good stuff, but it’s a nude, it counts, fuck you!


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron’s Creepy Goth of the Day

Here’s a Disney Kid who does a terrible job convincing me that she wasn’t created for the industry, or trafficked into the industry, with “adoptive” parents, who didn’t mind selling her to the industry, since she was created for the industry….

Maybe that’s a little too extreme, you know the talent breeding lab in the basement of Space Mountain….but she looks like a victim of the industry, maybe manipulated by the industry, or abused by the industry with some trauma based mind control, since they need to control their popular talent with 50 million followers..

The whole dark, goth, depressing, cutter doesn’t turn me on…excite me….even if they say broken depressive girls with mental health issues that I don’t believe in, but that they fucking believe in with their victim attitudes fuck well….who wants to abuse themselves through that unstable suicidal and dark shit…I mean a lot of people would based on her celebrity and the whole crazy girls like to fuck thing…so I don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s Dove Cameron being a candy coated, rich as shit, GOTH….because life is so dark for you when you live in Hollywood hell…

Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Hard Nipples of the Day

I just did a google news search on Dove Cameron, I figure my ranting and raving about shit I don’t know anything about is boring, played out, we’re 18 or 19 years into this nonsense and still haven’t gone viral, probably won’t go viral, so it’s safe to say go back to the drawing board, give people some information along with my randing and raving about shit I know nothing about.

In my google research I learned that 5 days ago, Dove Cameron was struggling with identity, and todays she’s got hard nipples in a sweatshirt….how versatile.

I don’t know what struggling with identity is, since I’m old and from an era where no one even cared or knew what an identiy was, we just sort of lived doing things we liked or things we could afford without too much boring self analysis because we knew psychology was a load of shit and therapy was for the rich, narcissists looking for answers as to why they are garbage people despite having all they want, because when you have lots of money, you have time for that kind of self involved ridiculousness.

The fact is that of course she has identity issues, she was thrown into an industry at a young age, probably has no idea who she actually is, just playing a part, doing what she’s told, brain washed on a level….so her “covering mirrors”, which I guss is what you do when you have identity issues, so you don’t look at yourself cuz you’re disgusted with yourself, not knowing the person looking back at you, cuz you’re mental.

Well, I don’t care about that mind control, brainwash, abuse child stars and dump them when you’re done with them bullshit, I’m here for the hard nipple in a sweatshirt like it’s a cold day, cuz hard nips, we used to call NIP-ON, is fun, even when the nipples aren’t thumb sized and even when the person with the nipples is some boring, intense, cry baby pushing mental illness nonsense.


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Got Them Tits On of the Day

Here’s Dove Cameron in what I’ll assume is some Met Gala satanist event that only the very special COVID immune because they are rich fucks get to attend in silly fucking costumes as the peasants look on in envy, which to me, at this stage in the game of Hollywood’s collapse, is pretty idiotic to partake in, yet these idiots all line up to partake in it, because they think they are special, or they are forced to by their teams to stay relevant, when I look at it and see nothing but a boring ass, lame ass, disgusting ass, event filled with the worst kind of trash, celebrating high fashion when looking like a bad costume party, in some weird fucking rich person ritual that you know ends with PIZZA eating…..because Hailey Bieber, Vanessa Hudgens, Jonas Brother, Kim K and Pete Davidson all left the event to eat PIZZA, a fact that I know without even watching any of this shit because it’s totally uninteresting to me….but they just can’t hide their symbolism of being satanic predators, or victims of satanic predators, like Dove Cameron who feels like a broken, lost, depressing girl in every social media post she posts….that may happen when you were once the PIZZA they all ate….assuming that conspiracy is legit….and really, conspiracy asides, these idiots planning this event like it matters, you know trying on outfits, and working with a team to get the right costume, is as lame as the fucking event is…..

If you’re rich and famous, why the fuck would you bother wasting your time going to this bullshit….some people even pay to go to this bullshit….don’t they have better things to do like not go to a stupid fucking event amongst a bunch of unimpressive assholes….weird.

Big Met Gala Picture Round-UP


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Dove Cameron Push Up of the Day

Dove Cameron is some Disney Kid that I have decided was created in one of their labs in Florida, that they’re probably going to have to answer for, but I could always be wrong, it’s just that if I was the biggest brand in entertainment that basically owns a chunk of every aspect of the media, I’d probably be creating my own celebrities in a bunker somewhere so that they stay focused on the task at hand, sure I may give them a solid origin story, or even a fake family for a handful of years that they identify as their parents, but I would definitely kill off the parents at a certain point so that her only protector is “the company”….

Maybe I watch too many movies, but she’s definitely gives off creepy and dark vibes…good cleavage though.

Her caption for this was “Tired and Happy”….after a baby shower…she used a baby and a shower emoji so I dug deep into my investigative journalism skills….

At least it wasn’t some cryptic poetry about how she wishes she was dead, or how she cuts herself, so we can focus on her tits, while still being creeped out by her, I don’t feel bad for her, not that I would if she was posting her tits and stories about self harm or depression, I don’t get caught up in the actual person behind the tits, but it’s still better when her darkness is my perception and not weird shit she says.

That said, corset tops do good things to tits….Some middle ages, French Revolution, Royal prostitute marie antoinette shit..

I am amazed I still bother with the big cleavage pics in an era of throat fucking selfies for Family Christmas Cards…but I keep things old school, outdated and pure.


Posted in:Dove Cameron