I'll Make You Famous…




Dove Cameron’s Titty Grab of the Day

I may not really know or give a shit about Dove Cameron, but she’s a popular person within the entertainment industry, whether created in a basement lab at Disney or human trafficked her way to kids TV…I don’t fucking know…but she’s here.

She has a little dark and not really mysterious vibe to her, it’s like she’s dead on the inside and has very little too offer in terms of personality or depth, but she does have tits….probably not real tits and thanks to those tits, or that adjustment or enhancement to her life, she has been using the tits in content pieces as girls with tits do.

She recently had her tit grabbed and if that’s not as newsworthy as Aliens in Miami or Epstein’s list of people we already knew…then we’re not living in the RIGHT news cycle for me.

Posted in:Dove Cameron