I'll Make You Famous…




Madonna’s Old Lady Diaper Dance of the Day

I made a reference to Madonna’s old lady diaper dance in an earlier post, so I figured it only fair if I posted the old lady dancing on stage like she’s convulsing due to being too old to be moving the way she moves, but luckily like your disabled granny, they gave her a disability bar for the handicapped and the retarded, the kind you’d expect to find in an old person’s shower…

As it turns out, Madonna is on tour and for a reason. She’s clearly too fucking old to be on tour, they have retirement for a reason and she should sit on that pile of money and continue to turn herself into what looks like a ventriloquist’s puppet….some kind of social experiment or actual science experiment by abusing the shit out of fillers and botox to prevent her rot….even her outfits look like they are holding her together, some Edward Scissor Hands looking shit, that if you were to unstrap her, the old lady organs would spill out everywhere and she’d die like the demon she looks like she is.

I guess if you’re Madonna, going on tour for millions of dollars is a pretty easy thing to do to keep busy, rather than playing sodoku….and the saddest thing in all this is that I’d willingly, maybe even excitedly eat her fucking diaper off her weirdly shaped fake ass…I mean it’s Madonna, even if it’s just for the story, you have no real ability to say no to it…

She’s in St Barts, or was in St Barts for New Years eve, looking like some kind of Mascot outside a tire shop on their weekend sale, but I’m not in St Barts so Madonna wins, now ship me her diaper, I’m ready to eat it.

Posted in:Madonna