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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Granny panties may be marketed as the boring, more uptight, relationship panty of fat girls on their periods…..because that’s how you sell hotter panties to sluttier women when you launch a cultural shift in humanity by making everyone sex obsessed perverts…it didn”t happen overnight, we weren’t all jerking off to tranny porn looking for something edgy because our dicks were so desensitized to regular porn, and we weren’t all building our own cunts out of our dicks to feel what it’s like to be a girl in porn, there was a build up to that degeneracy…..and I think it happened when they decided the full back panty, which 99 percent of men were fine with since they were panties that girls were in. We were simple back then…..a hard nipple in a t-shirt could be enough to get us off…

Most of us didn’t subscribe to granny panties being seen as some sort of embarrassment, because clearly FULL BAcK PANTIES can be hot…so here’s a shout out post to the girls who are bringing Granny panties back into the panty cycle like it was the 90s….even if they are being ironic about it.

Posted in:Fullback Panty