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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are basically the Granny Panties, or the Hanes Her Way that you used to jerk off to because that’s what your mom wore and you only had access to her underwear drawer when you were coming of age…or just coming well into your 30s because you never actually moved out from the house…

They are the comfortable underwear, the period underwear you can stuff a dozen maxi pads into and still have room to shit yourself…

They are the diaper of cotton panties, they lack sex appeal so hard that they become sexy in their unsexiness…since they are panties and that’s really all we need as a group of perverts…

Here’s a round-up as they make their comeback…because women are lazy slobs and realize they don’t need to be hot to get rich dudes to throw money at their pussies…

Posted in:Fullback Panty