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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Since I’ve been really bad at connecting with the modern youth of our internet times, despite being an old fuck with a website on the internet, who should have been well prepared to win them over as their fearless leader….

I assume that 99 percent of the 3 or 4 of you who have landed on this site are in your mid to late 50s….

So the whole GRANNY PANTIES thing will bring back memories of sniffing your sister’s panties from the laundry hamper, because it was the only style panty being worn by the average woman back then….

It may remind you of your first girlfriend or first make-out session, assuming you’ve ever had one of those….which I would never do because I think visiting this site requires a severe level of social awkwardness….

You’ll definitely remember a time when the thong took over the granny panty like it was some Russian conflict….just encroaching on the granny panty territory…humiliating the granny panty and turning the world into a bunch of communists who would only be cummunists to a thong….

Basically creating a whole new category of uncomfortable underwear….but the people have revolted, they have turned on the AUTHORITARIAN regime of BIG PANTY and found that comfort prevails…bringing back a panty look, with pantylines we all remember…

Posted in:Fullback Panty