I'll Make You Famous…




Maja Krag is the Instagram Of The Day

Maja Krag is some 29 year old Danish Model…who may remind some of you how much you like the breakfast pastry and how long it has been since you’ve had one, but to me, she reminds me of tits.

She’s actually a semi-legitimate model who has done bikini and lingerie campaigns over the course of her career….

However, with the way social media has gone, it’s hard to determine who is the legitimate model and who is the shameless instagram model fighting for eyeballs in some self produced content..

I guess the best way to determine who the legitimate one is, would be the one driving the Lamborghini is the one who is not signed to an agency, but rather pays an agency to sext with her fans on whatever exclusive content site they are part of.

Point of the story, I like the underdog, which in this era is the signed model who has worked for real campaigns, because that stamp of approval process makes them more worthy of having their tits stared at, rather than the tits of some girl with an iphone showing her tits…

Ultimately, it comes down to the tits, and they’re all the same kind of whore, just on two planes in this timeline…

Now, get me a goddamn Danish….the service in this basement apartment is shit.

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe