Panties are panties….and fullback panties are popular again…in all their comfort and utilitarian glory….
They are still panties…even with dramatically more coverage than we’ve been used to in a world of spread pussy selfies…
In the 1950s –
Full-back panties were a staple for women, the only panty they wore, they prioritized modesty and comfort. Made with cotton or satin and offered practical support….but then the FEMINISTS moved in and took women from the kitchen to the DISCO dancefloor, doing COCAINE and whoring instead of raising a family….paving the way for a whole new generation of panties….sluttier, independent women, boss bitch, this pussy doesn’t make babies kind of panties….
In the 1980s and 90s…..
The rise of VHS porn brought us sexier lingerie styles like thongs and g-string bikinis….ousting the GRANNY panty for those special date nights….or that special slutty girl who identified as being a babe…
It wasn’t until the mid to end of the 90s when the female hive mind caught onto the thong being in, the panty-line out…and burning the period panties their mom bought them in bulk at Sears….in some kind of collective protest that they are hot Sex and the City girls too…
You can market anything to the retard female hive mind and totally herd them into whatever direction you want. Makes you think women aren’t that bright, doesn’t it…
That said, Full-back panties were called “GRANNY PANTIES”… was a tragedy…
The 2000-2010s…..
Thongs, G-strings and just spreading your asshole on the internet became mainstream because you all celebrated whores like the Kardsashians….and girls wanted to be them.
Empowered, medicated, empty…who knows…but minimal coverage was the right coverage and being an exhibitionist that took the whale-tail to the instagram coverage was the way….because in reality, they didn’t even wear underwear in their day-to-day life to keep panties on to prevent the pussy disease drip…that was just for the photos.
Since everything is cyclical….there is resurgence in wholesome modesty, family values and trad-wives and bitches be lazy, want comfort, have chronic periods from hormones in the food, are too fat for thongs, even though the fats get thongs in their sizes now, big enough to use as a tent when stuck in a snow storm…SURVIVAL shit…..Full-back panties are back.
Women are more conservative, into showing PANTY line as a new level of seduction they never knew because it was before their time…they are from a pantyless and panty-line-less world….
Ultimately, it’s panties, don’t discriminate against panties….they are the layer of fabric between YOU and cunt…bro..
Here are some FULL back panty whores..
Posted in:Fullback Panty