I would never suggest that WWII was an inside job, even though the Royal Family are Germans, and the Rothschilds bank financed both sides of the war, making it seem pretty suspicious to anyone who doesn’t really trust the government, now more than ever….
But I would suggest that Heidi Klum is from some of the human testing that Nazi germany undertook when it came to Eugenics…because this mom of at least 6 kids in her mid to late 50s, is still ridiculously hot..
Now I know you can’t trust what you see on the internet, there are too many filters, face injections, LIES….and most of these girls are cartoon renditions of themselves…but the old as shit babe in her sheer dress you can see her panties through…overrides all that and I don’t even like old women….I just like trying to understand why they are this good when they shouldn’t be..and all I got besides her being rich as shit and her life pretty stress free…. is eugenics…
Posted in:Heidi Klum