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Archive for the Heidi Klum Category




Heidi Klum’s Bikini Whoring of the Day

Heidi Klum may represent the golden age of tits in marketing, because she’s old as shit and from an era where people didn’t cry, whine, become outraged and if they did, weren’t listened to by the brands, so they’d just keep on pushing that kind of content on us, with hot chicks, big tits, selling product….

However, that was a long fucking time ago and unlike the memories of that golden age, which I do think is making a comeback because young people like old people are wired to like hot chicks with tit…..Heidi Klum hasn’t bene left in the past as a memory, she’s instead got old as shit in the process of life we call aging.

She’s not terribly disgusting for an old lady, which isn’t saying much since she’s an old lady….

But she’s disgusting enough for being an old lady to not be such an exhibitionist wth her bikini content whoring….

We’ll still look at it because it represents hope while being a reminder that old ladies are gross, even if we’re willing to fuck em because we are men and that’s our duty….

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Heidi Klum Red Bikini in a Hot Tub of the Day

Heidi Klum may be pretty old, which could be why she’s always acting horny, you know higher testosterone in her menopause that dries her pussy up and makes her more like a dude. She’s in her 50s, it happens.

The reality is that she’s probably always been pretty horny, because in the 90s, when she happened as a titty model, you know dicks got sucked.

Then there was the whole SEAL years, where like an Eskimo in the arctic, she Seal hunted, only in her Seal hunt her pussy was the one getting clubbed by a Tribal cock bigger than her arm.

At the time, she had been whoring so heavily and was extremely famous, so she probably needed the big black cock to feel anything.

All those producers, casting agents and people in fashion may not be hung like an African, but when you’re as prolific as Heidi must have been, damage gets done.

This is all speculative but the old bag of shit got herself into a skimpy bikini, old lady tits out on New Years and shared it with the internet like some kind of GILF fetish porn producer, only rich, famous, a TV host and all the other accomplishments she’s had makes her whoring more superficial and fun than a means to pay rent. Which is the BORING kind of whoring.

I’ll still watch it happen though.

I have nothing better to do.

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Heidi Klum Tits Out of the Day

Heidi Klum is 100 fucking years old but totally comfortable taking her whoring to the instagram level of whoring.

It’s a transition that probably wasn’t all that hard to do for a set of tits that has been whoring since the 90s.

It was a “do what you did with all those rich me in order to become what you have become”….only on instagram for a bunch of low level perverts…

That’s all the instagram hustle really is, catering to the low level perverts for likes and follows, like catering to the rich and connected dudes for money and work…and both work seamlessly for the right chicks to dominate.

Klum is on vacation, topless cuz she’s European, still a cast member on a Disney owned show, so they are ok with this European whoring…and as a VS model we all started at in catalog form pushing 50, she could be a fuck of a lot worse and a fuck of a lot more boring…so keep on bringing the tits…the Euguenics program didn’t kill all those people in Nazi Germany for her to not celebrate their accomplishments.

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Heidi Klum’s Big Old Lady Titty of the Day

Heidi Klum is an old lady, mother to a dozen kids, one of those kids is some tight bodied miniature human with big tits of her own, and the whole thing is entertaining enough to pay attention to because of the tits.

One side of the coin, you’d think it was a little shameless and perverted for the old lady to be this public of an exhibitionist, that it would damage her career by crossing that morality clause by producing self produced pornography….that there’s no need for her to try to get the last of the jerk offs available to her from the committed fans, we’ve got an archive of content for that and don’t really need the new new geriatric version…

On the other side, she’s Heidi Klum, rich and famous from a career of stripping down and showing her tits and it’s kind of what she does, or what she owe her other layers of her career to, so to stop walking around with her tits out would be disrespectful to all the people she’s whored herself to, and the public at large, because it would mean she wasn’t authentic in her cash for tits hustle, that it was just cash for tits hustle and now that she’s got cash the tits can be put away and treated like classy ladies….

Instead, she’s like “nope, showing off my tits is my hustle and I’m committed to it”….

Which means, old or not, her using of her tits for attention is pure…so we’ll endorse it since we like tits, and don’t like girls who use tits to get ahead only to pretend they never did once they get there….

OWN THE WHORIN’…since we can’t afford to own the whore and rely on the whorin’ to get a taste of those tits….

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Heidi Klum and Leni Klum in Bikinis of the Day

Here’s a little mom daughter incest fetish for the perverts out there.

I have known a few people who have fucked both the mom and daughter in the same family, usually starting with the daughter then being seduced by the competitive mom who wanted some of what the daughter was getting. It wasn’t in the threesome setting but they fucked the mom and daughter separately, making for a fun Thanksgiving dinner….

The closest I have got to executing a hot mom/hot daughter fetish experience was getting a daytime stripper in her 50s to give me a lap dance and finding out that her daughter worked the hotter chick night shift because she wasn’t a blown out and exhausted stripper forced to the day shift, but rather the new generation…so I got a lap dance from her too….

Anyway, Heidi, like the stripper mom raising the stripper daughter to give the best lap dances….we’ve got Leni Klum, the young big titty daughter carrying on her mom’s legacy of high profile whore…while already being established and not really needing to be a whore like her mom…but doing it anyway because it’s family tradition.

They are in Monaco doing some F1 shit since Leni’s biological dad is some F1 boss, but they took time to yacht in skimpy bikinis and did you check out the tits on Leni…

Check out the tits on LENI…

HERE are some other pics of them at the F1 event

Posted in:Heidi Klum|Leni Klum




Heidi Klum’s Granny Tits being Important of the Day

Heidi Klum is probably losing her mind because she’s about to turn 50, which is basically 100 years old no matter how much botox a bitch gets, the pussy organs rot the same…

She’s been posting consistent extreme titty content despite being too old for Titty content, but thanks to being rich, unaware of being too told for titty content, and as a pervert, I’ll endorse her pushing her outftit as far as it can to not show the shit stain of her nipple….even though I’m grossed out by old ladies, I can handle it.

She’s in Cannes – obviously..

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Heidi Klum in a Sheer Outfit for Tiesto of the Day

Tiesto is one of those old timer DJs who has been around since they invented DJs, likely in his mid 60s and someone I always thought was a weird draw at a club, because he was so fucking old. The groupies didn’t care, obviously, dude makes 1,000,000 dollars per show and doesn’t look like he’s 60, but seeing those old guys at the club was definitely weird….

Things are getting weirder now as a generation of sluts start to age out and don’t really know how to handle themselves, like Heidi Klum, who you know got some dick along the way as a model turned Victoria’s Secret model in an era when taking dick was how you got the job. She’s even got a bunch of kids to prove her pussy eats sperm even back when it wasn’t menopausal.

So now you’ve got the old guy DJ and the Old DJ Whore model who parades around with her tits exposed, despite being a professional TV host now, and it all feels like a 55+ community gone wrong, or gone right, depending on how you want to look at it….

I mean I’m all for looking at old whores levelling up the whoring because they can, despite being old and rich, that’s just motivation to keep it up.

It just makes for a weird party.

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Heidi Klum’s Got her Old Lady Titties Out in a Sheer Body Suit of the Day

Heidi Klum wore some sheer, mesh, lingerie outfit that had nipples and possibly vagina visible because she’s riding the last inch of sex appeal she has at her age as deep and as hard as she can.

Heidi Klum is old, but like a lot of old chicks in this era, she still thinks she’s hot because perverts like you tell her that she’s hot.

Then she’s got her horny rich musician boyfriend with not much going on, so he puts his energy into fucking his wife, which further makes her think she’s some hot bodied sex goddess despite being old as fuck.

It’s really a flaw in the system, a glitch in the matrix, some sort of confusion in their exhibitionist minds, thinking this is still the glory days of showing off tit, not realizing they are grannies.

So I’ll assume that old lady Klum went to Coachella because she doesn’t realize she’s too old for Coachella, or the young people don’t realize that Coachella is for old people.

She wore a sheer bodysuit, which is a hot outfit of choice for anyone of any age since it shows off the nipples, but at a certain level of rich and famous, it’s a little weird.

She hosts an American family-friendly talent show, so the idea she spends her weekends being an exhibitionist whore with her tits out would seemingly go against morality clauses that used to be in contracts.

Now that we’re all a bunch of degenerate and freeing the tits is empowerment and to say it’s not is toxic masculinity, misogyny and the patriarchy….you can’t tell some old granny to contain the tits have done so much to her and you end up with outfits like this…

I’m not against granny tits, old lady exhbitionism, I just don’t like to advertise that fact but Heidi seems to have no issue advertising it because her granny ass is far less appealing…

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Sofia Vergara Grabbing her Tits for Heidi Klum of the Day

So America’s Got Talent is using smut to market their TV show, in attempts to get higher ratings. They’ve got their two Granny Judges out here posting marketing material where one is grabbing at her tits and the other one is jumping at her, like you can almost hear the menopausal pussy lips rubbing together, all dry and dusty.

I would argue that this is about 15-20 years too late, because there was a time when a star known for her tits, grabbing at her tits in a corset was seen as erotic, even pornographic and they’d jerk off to it. That time was probably before her 50th birthday.

It’s almost a TOO LITTLE TOO LATE titty grab, if that’s even possible, because I am sure some are so obsessed with tits that they get off to Old Folks home dementia panties holding their tits while getting their diaper changed before a hose down shower, it’s actually 90 percent of the reason you took the job at the old folks home, the other 10 percent was for the pension.

This is basically like Playboy models promoting each other to leverage both of them to greater heights, only the Golden Girl years…

The good news is that marketing using tit is still a thing.

Posted in:Heidi Klum|Sofia Vergara




Heidi Klum’s Old Ass Dancing of the Day

Heidi Klum is out here showing off her German Eugenics program body, that I don’t really even like hyping up because she is old as shit and really the idea of her still being hot with her dried up old lady vagina is an insult to eugenics….

She is with her German Short Haired Pointer….and she is doing a dance in her skimpy bikini that is not age appropriate, but that I guess works for her because she’s not fat.

It just really puts other 50+ women, which was at one time a fetish category in porn, on the line, because why are they grey pubic haired, wringled, and pissing themselves from their menopause or hysterectomy, while Heidi’s not rotting out nearly as hard….is it because she’s superficial, vain and rich enough to maintain the lie…because ultimately, these bikini bottoms should be stylized adult diapers are her age….Diapers we’d probably boil to drink the piss out of…

Posted in:Heidi Klum