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Milf Monday of the Day

If you read my MILKY TITS MONDAY post that I do to celebrate a new week with breast milk, you know new beginnings, I am deep like that, you’ll know that I saw the local news use the term “Birthing People” on a report about new mothers giving birth during the pandemic…and I thought..fuck you internet for doing this to people…forcing them to think they have to reword their lives to be woke and inclusive, for fear of being cancelled or called out, so you have all these idiots using insane terms that actually do damage and not good for a society….by telling people everything they’ve ever known is wrong, so follow the leader to know what is right, but not in a “society is run by the rich don’t listen to any of them” way, but in a keep on micro managing and dividing us into the weirdest fucking groups since group thought is easy to control…

Anyway, I wanted to bring up Birthing People again, because it’s fucking crazy, so now that that is out of my system here are some MILFS, or self proclaimed MILFS who post nudes on the internet to celebrate motherhood so long as it involves a fetish from guys into fucking mothers….which I guess exists and stems from psychological mother issues…maybe mom wasn’t there, maybe she was there too much, maybe dad wasn’t there and you fear being a dad yourself, but you want to have the dad experience by fucking a blown out mom pussy…I don’t know…

I just know that motherhood is dying, whether it’s because we’re all infertile and no longer have family values or not, so take in self proclaimed moms who want to be moms you want fuck…giving their best shot or putting in their best effort into selling themselves as such.

As an old fuck, women my age are grannies, so MILFs are the younger generation and I’m glad we’ve come to this place together over the last 18 years of the site….so MILFs are my version of “JAILBAIT”…and that’s depressing as shit..but you know what, I’ve seen at last two or three hot moms today alone, I guess with modern science and me being old as shit it happens…so MILFs, although gross for breeding, aren’t all that gross to look at when forgetting they’ve had kids…blown out pussy or not…I mean it is the porn generation and I am sure 22 year old party girls have pussies blown out like a mom of two also….let’s call this the generation of blown out pussy…blame the porn industry…

Posted in:Milf