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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are back, not that they really went anywhere, any married dudes or dudes in relationships are well aware that even at the peak of the THONG’s success and popularity even with women who would complain about the THONG being abusive to their assholes and pussies….but wouldn’t caught dead in a pair of granny panties…not even on their period…just fucking two tampons in and hoping for not Toxic Shock Syndrome amputations….those in relationships or married were still forced to deal with the granny panty…oftentimes stained and disgusting ones that were never thrown out like they should have been because they were the last of the comfortable underwear owned and the idea of buying new Hanes Cotton bikini briefs was a fate worse than death….because women are idiots and don’t realize men don’t care, we just want the panties off..

So….now they are reclaiming the granny panty, it’s a fullback panty now…and they are empowered by embracing the sex appeal a granny panty can have because…you guessed it…they are panties…

It’s another one of these idiotic empowered things that never needed to be empowered….like breast feeding…the idea that breast feeding is cancelled when I’ve seen it consistently happen in countless public places…and encourage it…only for NO ONE to ever ask a bitch to put her tit away…but for some reason on TWITTER it’s a campaign….cuz people are bored….and feel their own shame or embarrassment but instead of saying “I’m shy to pull a tit out” or “I love the comfort of a granny panty, but people will make fun of me for it”….they make it a crisis…a bullshit fucking crisis…

Just stick to showing your panties….sluts..

Posted in:Fullback Panty


