I'll Make You Famous…




Brie Larson See Through of the Day

Over prescribed pussies on your anti depressants is my explanation of basically everything. Since I don’t talk to people, I don’t really know how bad the anti-depressant prescription rate is, but I do see memes and people are pretty fucking consistent on being addicted to anti-depressants instead of figuring out their fucking own shit, finding their own spiritual guide, their own meaning, instead of just being another clog in this society of AI influenced and manipulated….

AI is turning everyone into attention deficit, unhappy, instant gratification seeking, shells of humans….the SCREEN STOLE YOUR SOUL….just ask all the trannies, who didn’t know they were trannies, until GOOGLE showed them all the videos they needed to realize that’s the answer to all their sadness…”CUT YOUR DICK OFF….YOU ARE A LADY NOW….PEOPLE LIKE WOMEN”…only to discover they’re destined to never be a lady, no one accepts them as a true lady, and the only people paying to fuck them are doing it for the story or the fetish…..

POINT of the story is….you gotta be medicated to buy into the BRIE LARSON propaganda, and I mean all the other propaganda people are blindly trusting, because I know the people on the right side of all this, are the people who actually READ the reports because they don’t THINK for themselves…or THINK at all….while everyone on the other side questions NOTHING….not EVERYTHING THEY ARE TOLD….the only question NOTHING..

She is not hot, she is overpaid, Hollywood is DEAD…if you needed any PROOF OF THAT, this is it…


Posted in:Brie Larson