I'll Make You Famous…




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

People always complain that life never works out the way you want it to work out…you know that it’s just pure shit and horrible…and I always say that it is because you aren’t posturing it or visualizing how you want it to workout….you know put it out to the universe and things fall into place…they say it is that simple….

I never really believed it, until realizing that EVERY SINGLE TIME I saw a girl walk by me, ANY girl, of ANY size, SHAPE, GENDER, I’m inclusive, It’s 2021, we’re woke around here….so long as the vagina is real and not a fleshlight insert or some hackjob crafted by some evil and twisted doctor…you know cuz 2021’s a little too woke and inclusive to keep things as hetero as you’d like….and if you say you’re not into fake vagina, but rather real vagina, you’ll get cancelled as they tell you that their vagina is a real vagina since they manifested it to the world…and cut their dick off in the process…but yeah…GAY IS NOW MANDATORY or you’re an asshole….

But yeah, I never really believed in that whole “SECRET” putting it to the world until realizing that every single time I’d see a girl, I’d say “wish she was naked”…and I guess WISHES do come true, it could happen to you….provided your wish involves girls doing slutty things for attention because the chances of that panning out are far better than saying “I want to win an Oscar”….or “I want to make 1000 milllion dollars”….you know get realistic and hedge your bets against girls figuring ways to produce content to monetize….

THE POINT OF THE STORY…all clothed girls, need the corresponding nude so we can see what’s going on under those outfits….

Posted in:OnOff


