I just did a Noah Cyrus post and it would be unfair to Miley if I didn’t outshine Noah’s under titty, nipple covered with an emoji, in what look like a huge pair of skimpy panties pulled up to her neck….because Miley’s the real star of the family and as much as the sister tries her best, Miley’s out there helping her promote and do her thing, more out of sympathy than out of thinking there will ever be a time that Noah outshines her…and if there was, Miley would probably be happy about it, because she’s already made so much stupid money and the whole celebrity thing seems exhausting….so she could pass off the torch…maybe Miley encouraging Noah is just to take some of the pressure off Miley, so taht she can go back to the simple things like masturbating on her money all day.
ANYWAY, Miley is a revolutionary, if you consider the trendwatchers at Disney turning her into a TUMBLR girl, which is where the nudes used to be posted up, revolutionary. I do…because I know once Miley did it, droves of women around her age hopped onto the “SHOW MY CUNT ON THE INTERNET” because the whole future self thing disappeared….since getting naked on the internet is thrilling…or must be thrilling for the girls involved and the pervs like me jacking off to it.
The point is, Miley’s on stage, pulling her skirt up, showing her ass in thigh highs, and this kind of thing is what I’d want to smother me until cardiac arrest…you know if we’re all going to die from our lungs being blown out…my make a wish foundation request is that my lungs get blown out by Miley’s ass…DISNEY ARE YOU LISTENING…let’s make my final moments the true happiest place on earth….just make sure you don’t swap Miley out for a Drag Queen Miley Impersonator…cuz that will ruin my suffocating on her ass vision and turn it all into a very gay, testicle filled, nightmare…I probably deserve…
Let’s hope no one is dying here, but if you were to die, do it to Miley’s ass, it’s great.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus