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Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Definition is pretty exciting to me, because I am a huge lover of vagina, I think that’s the real “born that way” they try to pretend is an excuse for gay shit, when we all know gay shit comes from weirdo perverts who have been confused along the way…I mean I know gay people and totally respect them for fucking dudes cuz they find dudes hot even though they aren’t chicks who are actually hot…and I am convinced that every gay dude I’ve ever met could EASILY go straight…when realizing how much better vaginal sex is than anal sex, I mean it was built for your dick, the asshole is the back-up plan and full of shit…

So yeah, the idea of girls walking around with their pussy’s on blast, you know letting everyone see your pussy as you walk along doing your errands, which for someone who didn’t get to see pussy every time I leave the house, it’s pretty great advancement of our society…I mean I used to beg and it’d be pretty pathetic to get a girl to show me her pussy…NOT ANYMORE…I mean just yesterday I saw a professions, maybe a doctor, lawyer, accountant…walking out of her office building in leggigns…FULL cunt out…I mean I’d NEVER see her cunt in my life, those professional types don’t fuck with my kind, yet here I am with front row seats to her pussy like one of her meaningless sex partners she has eat her out on weekends….a gift…..

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie