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Cabin Talk Claudia and her Pandemic Prediction of the Day

I saw this video going viral yesterday, 2 people sent it to me, and for someone who only talks to 1 person, that means it’s a big deal….that’s 200% more people have decided that this is worth seeing….

The story is pretty simple, she calls out Trump’s executive order to allow for gain of function research and some other Bill Gates shit….and the potential impending Pandemic 2 years ago, so 6 months or so before it hit. Pretty interesting.

Clearly a woman who lives in a Cabin in Vermont seems to be more reasonable than most people, maybe she’s a fucking prophet….the prophet Claudia from the Cabin.

It almost makes you think that people in the city are so disconnected and clearly we need to get out to nature to get reconencted. So distracted with work, nonsense, parties, bullshit…buying shit, being depressed while people who still have humanity CAN’T be duped….

She said she didn’t predict the future, she just paid attention…so PAY attention…

Not that this will save the world, but it’s still impressive….WAKE UP.

Posted in:Videos