I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I always thought that if I ran this site as some feminist site, you know where all the proceeds go to supporting breast cancer, no one could give a fuck about my smut, or calling celebrity trash bottom feeding whores, even though they are the highest paid whores….

I thought, if I give millions to breast cancer research, maybe even help find the cure to breast cancer, because you know it is being suppressed by BIG PHARMA out there, they NEED you getting cancers to stay in business, so why would they actually try to end it, when they can just treat it, they’re typically not super into your HEALTH AND WELLNESS retards, they just want your insurance companies paying them 100s of thousands of dollars in the meds that probably cost them 10 cents…because that’s the system we’re in…one where life doesn’t matter, death is collateral damage and getting RICH is KEY….because we’re a society of money grubbing trash that rate each other based on how good they are at earning money when money is hardly food for the soul retards…

So yeah, since the site makes under 10 dollars a day, seriously, I do this as fucking charity work you pieces of shit…I haven’t been able to make big moves, or give lots of money into breast cancer research…but I can celebrate the natural function of tits by these horny moms excited by their big tits, realizing it is a fetish to some lonely fucks, or maybe they just want this content in the archives so that when everyone is sterilized by the state, no pesky lactation will happen, it’ll be done by machines in a lab…

So take in REAL HUMANS doing HUMAN shit that’s fucking alien to someone like me because MILK IN TITTY is so weird.

Posted in:Lactating